šŸ–• šŸŠ šŸ¤” A Continuing Round-Up of Trumpian Events šŸ–• šŸŠ šŸ¤”



OH OH! I got this oneā€¦

The Secret Service walks in and drags him out kicking and screaming or shoots him and and he is wheeled out on a stretcher. Once the new POTUS is sworn in, and he refuses to vacate the White House or Oval Officeā€¦he becomes an active threat to the security of the sitting president.


What theā€¦ I canā€™t evenā€¦ how is it that Rudy Giuliani is gallivanting around Europe instead of moping around a preā€“divorce SRO and wearing an ankle monitor?


Iā€™m guessing heā€™s under a FISA warrant and continuous surveillance so they can document every new illegal thing he does, and how it gets communicated back to his client boss patron circus trainer handler.


Heā€™s on a Secret Mission yo.


Mum's the word


Large-scale extraction (which requires burning coal, and the process produces toxic waste) is going on now, such as in Russia and Chinaā€¦ where regulators ā€“ if any ā€“ seem to have a more laissez-faire attitude when it comes to environmental impacts. A clean alternative for use of coal ash would be great.

For anyone interested: A thorough and careful reading of the links below may provide a flavor of some of the ups and downs, and a good starting point for understanding what extraction now ā€“ and perhaps later ā€“ entails. For example, Purdue has developed and patented ā€œā€¦ new efficient and inexpensive technologiesā€ for extracting out rare earth elements from coal ash. Although their 2017 linked story touts their new extraction process as being done ā€œā€¦in an environmentally friendly wayā€, I did not see anything in the link mentioning safe removal or safe destruction of remaining coal ash toxins (e.g., lead, arsenic, etc.) or how to safely dispose of those ā€“ assuming that were possible.



The twentieth amendment specifies, as clearly as it possibly could, that each term simply ends at the designated moment. Thereā€™s nothing about still being president until the new guy says the magic words.

Amendment XX

Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

If they can develop a way to extract rare earths from coal ash, perhaps they can begin by recycling Li batteries? That would be a huge thing!


I think the issue with ā€œnot leavingā€ is that when people attempt to illegally seize power they usually donā€™t check what the law says first. Itā€™s about power, not about rules. To me, the question is, if Trump decided to claim to continue to be president, who would back that?

  1. Congress?
  2. The Courts?
  3. The military?
  4. 10,000 wing-nuts with guns who can google how to make a bomb?

So the scenario I could see Trump sticking around would be if the race was very tight, Trump loses the presidency by only a small number of votes while the Republicans take both the house and the senate. They manufacture a plausible 2000 Florida-recount-esque scenario and the courts go with it. None of that seems terribly likely.

Two scenarios that do seem plausible are that the Republicans hold the Senate majority and then the Senate simply says the Democratic president is illegitimate and refuses to confirm any appointments or pass any bill into law, staging a kind of half-coup; or that Trump simply whips up a frenzy of domestic terrorism by saying the election was stolen and America starts looking like late 70s/early 80s Northern Ireland (except no one calls in bomb threats, they just detonate them to maximize carnage).


I thought Li recycling was already being done.

I gotta look into that.

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Youā€™ve just described half of both Clinton and Obamaā€™s presidencies.


NPR just did a thing about that a month ago.



Trump is not a former general.

He was clown on a TV show.

When websites post clickbait about how OMG Trump refusing to step down, everybody understands weā€™re not talking about a complicated coup, weā€™re talking about one doddering old man refusing to exit a building. And even that is unlikely.


Yup. Weā€™re not talking about the Iron Throne, here.

[insert porcelain throne joke here]


The solution is obvious; keep up the ceaseless pressure, grind him down until he actively cant wait to leaveā€¦


How dare she mention Melaniaā€™s sonā€™s name


Thx for that.

I dug this up, but ** Iā€™m looking at it sideways for now (sections ā€œLithium Ionā€ and ā€œLithium Batteriesā€):

** The link is to a recycling service (which, obviously, has a stake in attracting sources of recyclable materials); their capability may not be something that is actually realized.

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Well then I think Iā€™m on solid ground saying itā€™s a plausible scenario!

Fascists are all clowns. Hitler wasnā€™t a genius with a long resume of success.

I donā€™t think Trump is going to take over the country after losing an election but I do think itā€™s more than 1%. I think that appealing to the law to explain why an illegal takeover of the government wonā€™t happen is absurd.