🖕 🍊 🤡 A Continuing Round-Up of Trumpian Events 🖕 🍊 🤡

Yup, need an opposite of “like.”

Edit: suggestion🖕, maybe with skin tone options!


Good luck with that, Texas.


Isn’t that the guy who was accused of “handing out scrips like they were candy?”


The poop:


That whole crazily anti-semitic speech is kind of astounding. It was played for laughs, apparently.

"A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all,” he said. “But you have to vote for me—you have no choice. You’re not gonna vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that. You’re not gonna vote for the wealth tax. Yeah, let’s take 100% of your wealth away!”

“Some of you don’t like me. Some of you I don’t like at all, actually. And you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’re going to be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get it. So I don’t have to spend a lot of time on that.”


They’re just literally saying the opposite of what reality is now. Openly, willingly, and in public. Because the people they want to reach won’t know any better, and the people who will know better won’t vote for them. We’re way beyond projection at this point.

If Trump loses, it should destroy the Republican party. If he wins, it’ll destroy the country for sure.


It truly is the decisive election at least since Lincoln’s first run. Republicans would rather destroy the country than risk losing.

That is some serious irony, BTW.


So I can’t find it now, but in one of the many threads about arguing with thanksgiving relatives someone linked an article about how to talk to people with different political opinions. The idea was you get people to be as specific as possible and as they try to be specific they start to realize they aren’t as certain as they thought.

The example given was an experiment where they asked people if they knew how toilets work. Of course most people say yes. Then they ask them to explain in as much detail as possible how they work. As people try to give details they realize they don’t know as much as they thought and they come down from their position of certainty and become more open to learning.

How much do you need to know to know that water pressure has nothing to do with how much water comes out when you flush a toilet, but rather affects how long it takes for the toilet to refill and be ready for another flush?


Ben Shapiro does this sometimes to trip up people trying to argue with him.


I remember that…nope, not finding it either.


What it the thread about Sunset magazine and the pot gravy?

It came up in there, then later that same day there was a new topic specifically about talking to people you don’t agree with, so maybe in there.



@anon50609448 @chgoliz

I think you’re looking for this post?

I wanted to send it to my daughter a couple days ago, it took me forever to find.


  • Abuse of power : “It is an impeachable offense for the president to exercise the powers of his public office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or injuring the national interest. That is exactly what president trump did when he solicited and pressured Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 presidential election.” Nadler said.

  • Obstruction of Congress : " A president who declares himself above accountability, above the American people and above congress’ power of impeachment — which is meant to protect against threats to our democratic institutions — is the President who sees himself as above the law," Nadler said.


Thank you!

I don’t think that’s the one I was thinking of. I’m sure there were quite a few articles on the subject, just before Thanksgiving!

But, still, worth reading.


I imagine when Shapiro does this the intent is to find any tiny fault-adjacent thing in the argument so that Shapiro can try to make the entire discussion about that. Like you spend an hour explaining everything in peer-reviewed detail and Shapiro turns the entire discussion about how one of the journals you cite had an editor in 1967 who was accused of shoplifting so obviously your entire argument is founded on a lie.

I think if the technique is employed in good faith the point is not to p-hack for something to attack the other person with, but instead to alter the direction of the conversation away from argument and towards discussion.

Long story short; Trump doesn’t know how a toilet works.

There were sooooo many.


Trump: Those democrats want me to fail at everything. They’re all out to get me. It’s all their fault that I can’t get nothing done.

Democrats on capitol hill:



“The IG includes another claim: “‘Report 113 (sources based in St. Petersburg reported that Trump has paid bribes and engaged in sexual activities in St. Petersburg, including participating in sex parties, but that witnesses had been ‘silenced,’ i.e., bribed or coerced to disappear).’”



The analysis of the Steele Dossier that I heard a long time ago that I still think makes perfect sense is that most likely much of the contents were leaked to Steele by the Russian government to manipulate Trump. Some of the contents are true stories of Trump’s criminality and some are outrageous and disprovable falsehoods. So the pee tape probably doesn’t exist, but some of the other allegations involving financial crimes in the dossier are very true.

Which is, of course, all completely logical and a good bit of spycraft were it not for the fact that Trump is an utterly aberrant person. If they released a similar document on McConnell, McConnell would properly dismiss the salacious allegations (and everyone would believe McConnell) while getting the “we own you” message from the real allegations. But Trump exists in a world where the truth means nothing and Trump cannot be manipulated through shame due to their completely orthogonal-to-normal system of processing shame. To Trump a false allegation of misconduct is exactly the same as a real one because it’s only about a perception of having an enemy.