Represent! UCSC! Go SLUGS! But only one person:
Dr. Bettina Aptheker is a distinguished Professor of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Aptheker was raised by well-known members of the Communist party, and then continued membership into her adult life, including being a leader of Leftist groups at her college as a student in the 1960s. She currently teaches feminist studies and calls her teaching philosophy “revolutionary praxis.” The goal of this style is to subvert the traditional “male-centered” teaching methodology and replace it with a “woman-centered perspective.”"well-known members of the Communist party"? We have those now? "leader of Leftist groups" "subvert the traditional "male-centered"..."
Bet whoever submitted that is great fun at parties. Or not.
Just throwing it out there: the site DOES take image file uploads. Soooo…