We all know that the President is not a healthy man. How do we know that if he does fall too ill to even seem to fulfill his duties that this administration will even tell us? Consider the following twitter thread:
The only thing that gives me hope if Greg Olear’s theory is correct is that the rest of this administration is completely incompetent too, so will get caught in the cover-up.
Pence’s wet dream is to institute a full-on theocratic government. I find that at least as frightening as Trump’s mob-inpired administration. The right loves Trump for his theocracy-lite. Pence would go whole hog. Better?
I’d go with “different” with a side of “probably won’t accidentally start World War 3 while the tweets from the shitter”, myself. I think in every other capacity we’re already living with a Pence presidency, just with an extra side of chaos and stupidity.
That’s the entire point of christian dominionism. It’s the only reason why they support the israeli state. There’s no logical reason to outside of the eschatological need for a rebuilt temple.