A juicer that won't make juice unless the produce is marked with special code [Updated]

Wasn’t Natalie Portman involved? That has to be worth something …


102 replies and no FruitFucker2000? Do you even internet (circa2002)


Well, if it keeps you off the ‘ER Room Funny Stories’ list, then it might be worth it.


LOL… you know what denatures enzymes in a big fucking hurry? The digestive juices in your stomach! They’re designed to break proteins (and enzymes are just proteins) down to the their constituent amino acids, and they’re very good at it. All of this nonsense about ‘active enzymes’ manages to be even more nonsensical than the pitch for audiophile stereo cables.


That’s some seriously cyberpunk shit right there.


Well aren’t you the internet expert!

But seriously, it was one study comparing shitty store-bought bottled “cold-pressed juices” that likely were fruit juice, to other fruit juices. Hardly what I’d call definitive. I however am going off of first-hand experience, and I’m going to take that over one not-so-great study.

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I … don’t see why if you are buying premasticated fruit you wouldn’t just swallow it and avoid all the hassle.


Ok, one more time…


Your digestive juices break enzymes and other proteins down to their constituent amino acids in a big damn hurry. Anyone who makes claims about enzymes in food having any affect on your health is lying to you and almost certainly selling snake oil. No exceptions.


#But we’re happy, mutated, wasteful, lazy garbage!


Because it appears that might not have been wholly accurate, and it’s really finely-chopped produce.

Listen, it’s not a great juicer, these juices probably are nowhere near as good for you as fresh cold-pressed green juice, but as a concept I do kind of “get it,” but then again we live in the end times so I feel like I’m pretty much ready for anything.

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The best advice when using additives in your enema “If you can’t drink it or eat it, DON’T take it rectally”

That being said, most of those recipes are for advanced users.


You’re saying you don’t think there’s ANY chance that eating food with more active enzymes, which then get broken down into aminos, is any different than eating pre-packaged not-fresh food? Again, roll with that approach if you want to, but I like fresh fruits and veggies and juice and you know what, I’ll stick with what makes me feel good. And I’ll take a cold-press juicer with slow auger any day over a juicer that heats up the juices tremendously at high RPMs. But again, hey, go with what works for ya bub.


I was surprised to see he didn’t author the post.

If the date code alone is signed; they screwed up: all you need is a single real datecode that isn’t old enough to be ‘expired’, and you can copy it and run it as many times as you like.

If the datecode and a serial number are both present and signed, you probably won’t be getting more than one use per system out of each label; possibly less if the hardware phones home to HQ to inform it of serial numbers being used.

If they really went nuts on the DRM(at the expense of making their own packaging procedure more annoying), they specify that you are prompted to set up a subscription after you purchase the hardware: so there isn’t anything preventing each slurry pack from being given a datecode, a serial number, and the serial number of the machine it is blessed for; all signed.

Since the press machines have connections to the mothership, they could also be informed of what juice modules their owners have purchased; and refuse to process any others, no matter how valid their labels appear to be.

Having a connected client to help you with DRM makes life so much easier. Such clients are rarely invulnerable; but if somebody is going to crack the client they’ll probably just strip the DRM entirely, rather than fiddle with it incrementally, so while trusting the client as a sole line of defense is idiotic; exploiting the convenience of having a helpful client is fairly attractive.


No, there isn’t. It’s nonsense used to fleece morons like you.

Because it appears that might not have been wholly accurate, and it’s really finely-chopped produce.

GODDAMIT, future - I don’t care about a jetpack, I just want somebody to chew my food for me.


Oooooh, ad hominem, nice! YOU win the internet today! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


People getting heated. About juice.


Yeah, but 96.538% of those are Breville Toasted Sandwich Makers.

(Though admittedly bread makers and Mr. George Foreman are making inroads in this area)

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I get cold about my juice… Cold-pressed that is.


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