A large gang of men from at least 11 states intended to violently disrupt a Pride event in Idaho

Why is “conspiracy to riot” only a misdemeanor?


Now I’m wondering if any of them are tied in some way to law enforcement.


Some of them had very secure zip ties :smirk:

But to answer the question, undoubtedly.

Police Cops GIF by michaelmarczewski


I wonder what they were intending to do, just how much violence they were intending to perpetrate. It seems like their most recent (badly) organized actions have just been sad little fascist marches that people largely ignored, getting all geared up for confrontations that never happened (reportedly this is the same group that transported themselves in Washington DC in a moving truck that got sabotaged by lefties, leaving them standing around for hours). But this time reports mention “at least one” smoke grenade, which suggests at least one person was intending an attack on pride events to disrupt them, at minimum. It also sure seems like the cops were onto them because of an informant or federal agents keeping an eye on them and their plans, which also rather suggests the group was going there with the stated goal of doing something illegal.

Also it makes it clear - these people don’t have the numbers. This wasn’t a local group. They had to collect these chucklefucks from all over the country to go to Idaho, of all places.

That appears to be the fascist uniform, now. I saw some other armed fashy dude with bundles of zip ties outside the pride event these morons never reached. (I can’t conceive of an explanation that would make sense even to them except that it’s intended to intimidate - the implication being, “I might kidnap and murder you!”)


Oh, I meant them tied up and cuffed - but they are easier to pass off as “not weapons”.


This is true.
I live in LA and it’s reeeeeeeal easy to forget that the blue part of this state is, like, a couple big cities at most.


Don’t forget ridiculed!


Good, fuck 'em.

(But not literally. Ew.)


Yes! And northern Idaho no less. There are actual publicly funded Trump billboards on the highway there still. Every ranch has a Trump banner on their fence. It’s one of the biggest fascist strongholds in the country right now. Yet they couldn’t find a couple dozen people locally to go do a hate crime together.

That’s genuinely encouraging, honestly.


Outsourcing hate are they?


Well, there’s always some who won’t, or more accurately will react to that feeling by doubling down. Those people become unabombers, unfortunately. Most people though, after losing their job, their friends, their Twitter account, etc kinda get the message that it’s not worth the cost to talk about this stuff. They may still have hate in their heart, but they go back to keeping it to themselves like they all did pre-2016.

Then, over time, the hate mellows as they meet more diverse people out in the world, or age out and let their kids be chill about it.

We may never eliminate hate, but we can marginalize it into effective nonexistence. We were well on the road to doing that before this multi-year setback.


i think there might be too many people in positions of power ( the gop, the nra ) and notoriety ( fox news et al ) for that to work the way it should right now

i think until they start losing politically they’re not going to feel as ostracized as they might otherwise. all the anti trans bills, the anti gay bills, the loss of abortion rights, etc - these things make them feel safe

i feel that way too. and maybe these years will turn out to be a reactionary blip. that said, history doesn’t have an arrow, and i’m definitely worried about the course things might take


For 4 years trump summoned up vermin from the darkest recesses of this country and the Media covered every single one of his hate fests. Now that they’re out of basements, backwaters and other clusters of human rot they find that they aren’t the only ones with diseased thoughts. They were emboldened when the orange offal called them out and praised them. They feel their power in the internet echo chambers and are lusting for the chance to do harm. All their twisted masturbatory fantasies are within reach. The Media will give them the stage just as they did trump. It is going to prove quite difficult to shove that shit back up the holes it issued from. As always the targeted groups will stand up but it’s going to take more than just their targeted victims to fight. Straight white people with good jobs and comfortable lives need to stand beside us. There are many who will shake their heads and say it’s too bad but won’t risk the chance of getting dirty or hurt defending their targeted brothers and sisters. For just such a circumstance I wish I could believe all the god/church/pie in the sky garbage. It would be nice to think that there is a hell for the likes of trump. I fear the hell they so richly deserve will be doled out only by those brave souls who stand up and fight back. I hope we all as decent people will gather to resist the infection that trump called forth.


Right-wing terrorism is the next big thing in the USA.


U-Haul, we jail.



Police didn’t find any guns, but I bet that they had a vehicle with guns somewhere near that could be summoned in the event of x. (Isn’t that what Patriot Prayer did in Portland?)


I’m surprised no one remembers that members of this organization pulled the exact same stunt right down to the rental vans about a year ago in Philly. No one mistook them for antifa and called the police. Instead they got a warm Philly welcome and retreated back into their truck and took off.


Someday there will be a new story about a U-Haul full of Patriot Front members getting in a 1 vehicle accident and tumbling end over end on the side of a highway…