A list of the most deadly calorie bombs for sale at America's chain restaurants

Thanks for the link, I’ve been wanting to get a fitness program that fits both my schedule and mindset! I do okay-ish exercising and meal planning on my own, but it gets kind of boring and I tend to take overlong breaks just when I’m starting to make good progress.

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The program my housemates are both doing is their new Rising Heroes “game” – it’s a web based adventure/plot/quest where you get points and achievements and level up through exercise and meeting nutrition goals. There’s also puzzles to solve, lifestyle mini-achievements (this week they had to write three physical letters to family members and mail them and cook a full meal from scratch). It’s not cheap but it’s been pretty cool so far. It’s basically a virtual personal trainer with an adventure quest plot.

Yes, one salt lick burger, hold the mayo please.

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There are a few places offering American-style BBQ* as I live in one of the larger metropolitan areas of Europe. Is it good? Don’t know … I like it but I have no comparison.

*not one with brisket on the menu though. I’d like to try that.

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Brisket done right is wonderful. If you’re ever in the states, it’s worth finding a good, locally owned BBQ joint. It’s one of the things we do well here.


Absolutely this. If someone wanted to experience authentically American food for the first time, slow-smoked BBQ brisket & ribs (or my favorite, ‘burnt ends’) would be my vote for the main dish. Also: New England clam chowder, cornbread, chili, and strawberry shortcake.

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