A naked man caught masturbating in an airport claims "It's a free country." Police still arrest him

Quite right. Withdrawn.


Where are all these nut bags in airports and on aircraft coming from?

I know we didn’t have this many years ago!

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I think they come attached to the male assholes who are flying nowadays. :wink:


I think you’ve made an excellent point. The major exceptions I can think of for violations are at events outside the standard community, or where two different groups with differing social norms are interacting.

Sadly, probably learned experience.


Eating a raw onion, carrying a lantern… I feel like his hands would be full

“It’s a free country.”

I think they misheard him. He actually said “It’s a freak country.”


I like your idea, its nice and twisted and would absolutely redirect his behavior. Playing with your junk in public is just not a clever way to advance your ideas. While it is often used as a weapon toward women it sure as hell doesn’t make my day any brighter either. I did hear a good response once “Oh how cute! Looks just like a penis only smaller”

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Oddly enough, those sorts like to use freak as a derogatory term. Freaks, for the most part, care if their actions actually hurt someone else or at least hurt them without their consent.


A friend of mine once said that when she was flashed as a schoolgirl, her reaction was to break out in uncontrollable peals of laughter.
It was… not the reaction he was hoping for.


Did he first remove his MAGA hat so he would be totally naked, or did he cheat?


That fully explains donald drumpf.

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Frank Towers. Make of that what you will.

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Just because something is legal doesn’t mean you can do it everywhere. Drinking, driving, sex, noise… the list is endless.

It’s amazing how they let you swing a knife standing at your kitchen counter with a bunch of onions in front of you, but the moment you move to a grade 2 classroom that simple action of swinging a knife becomes illegal. So much for freedom!


I checked. In the middle ages, men wore skirts (women wore dresses). Also, men cooked food for sale (women cooked at home). But when I try to sell my home-baked cookies wearing a skirt in the local elementary school, they call the cops.

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