A store for flat earthers by flat earthers

I kind of want to buy a calendar to ironically hang up at the lab… but we do chemistry and I feel like it’s two degrees of separation too removed.




You can’t pin them down on anything. If you ask them to describe a model, they tell you that they don’t have the resources and that it’s the scientists’ job to come up with a model “that makes sense.”

This doesn’t stop them from conducting dubious experiments or making various claims, but if you ask them what they believe they’ll come at you with a (actually somewhat accurate) statement about how they all have different hypotheses.

If you’re in the mood and have the time to see the kinds of things they tend to claim, I recommend Greater Sapien’s YouTube channel. He’s a got an entertaining braggadocio thing* going and is actually very insightful in his criticisms of FE:

*I mean, if you’re going to be absurdly confident about something, I can’t imagine something better than the fact the earth is round.


I can tell by the pixels! :wink:

I suppose so but this particular “theory” is just so bonkers. How can you fall for it? I’m not capable of putting myself in a believer’s place with this one. It has to be a giant in-joke, surely?

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Get two. Because you always end up doing something stupid in your favorite shirt and stain it with blood… or, uh, paint. Yeah, paint.

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NASA have the best tinfoil. Just look at the lunar lander…

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Theirs is gold :hugs:

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I think they use planes… which fly over… a plane.

Have you been to the other “planets”?

i suppose the light bulb in your room is flat like your floor?

But they HAVE, they have come up with a model that makes sense!!! I can’t even…


I mean… I haven’t been to Japan or Zimbabwe either, but I trust that they exist… I don’t personally have to have gone somewhere to verify that it’s there. People have been on the moon and we’ve sent rovers and other tech to Mars.

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For piss taking, visit NASA.com. They’re the masters.

is this the tin foil you are looking for?

Oh… are… are you a real flat earther? Did I find one in the wild? Wait right there! Let me find my safari hat…


do you think Matt Damon has been to Mars? How did you verify rovers have been on Mars? photos. I can send you a photo of a giant ap climbing the empire state building… is it true?

I … what … surely you are trolling, in which case, well done.


It’s cool. you don’t need to check. Just believe your government. Trust NASA. They really care about you and would never lie. they would never supply fake photos, use CGI, actors and steal your money.