I can’t even deal with that side split hot dog bun, let alone the rest of it.
Saw one of these on the wall of an aquarium first instinct shotgun. Not getting pulled up by that.
I used to dive a lot when I was a kid and we lived in Hawaii where my dad was a part-time scuba instructor before he went back into the service. I know people talk a lot about aliens right in our own oceans, but it really is amazing to see the results of a couple billion years of divergent evolution. Somehow though, they never feel very menacing when they’re swaying about with frolicking schools of fish threading them.
Do you pitch sandwich fits and demand a Subway “Old/Wedge Cut” as well?
Since I haven’t visited a Subway since around 1997 I wasn’t even aware that they had a new wedge cut that I should be up in arms about. Side split hot dog buns are useless, they don’t stand up straight and the hot dog has a much greater opportunity to roll out and onto the ground. It’s also more traditional and a fine example of a new variation being more useless.
Also, a hot dog is not a sandwich.
Is this?
And can I put ketchup on it?
Hey @japhroaig, when can we go back to the Olive Pit?
Why do people do things like this?
What part of this… abomination is easier than opening a hot dog lengthwise and then slicing in half and putting it directly on top of the hamburger?
Well, it is on the way.
Btw, one of my betters, @BanjoKat, likes olives. Thank God that abhorrent disease isn’t hereditary.
Well, at least you associate yourself with honest, Pit-fearing people who like olives. There is hope for you, yet.
Seems unlikely, living so close to NYC. You think he gets the bus everywhere?
He did point out that the trains have been cancelled due to the not-a-terrorist-bombs.
Buddy, Carl’s Jr. does a lot worse things to food than any of us like to talk about.
I stopped using those once the conductors started requesting that we call them “Transportation Artists.”
What, you’re telling me you can’t get a mediocre turkey sandwich just anywhere that you need to visit some place run by high school students?
I realized there is nothing there I can’t get better somewhere else, why would I want to go back? I haven’t visited Taco Bell since 2005 or so, have they made rapid changes in taco technology that I should know about? Is Roy Rodgers working on astonishing techniques for sous vide pork that I’m missing out on since 1995 when I got sick at one?
Take it easy grampaw. And please stop saying j-a-p-s so loudly, okay?