After Nike hires Colin Kaepernick for ad campaign, conservative halfwits destroy own property to own the libs

First off, let’s clear the air.

I have been discussing this firmly but fairly. Please don’t embellish. I have not insinuated anyone is a half-wit, stupid, or mentally impaired in any way. We’ve both been BB members for quite a while, so please afford me the fairness I have afforded you.

But I don’t think you understand why I do.

Bear with me, because I’m putting a lot of thought and effort into this post.
First, let me lay some groundwork:

Generally, I believe much of the problem stems from most white Americans’ lack of understanding about their place of privilege in society.
Some white Americans harbor an extremely prejudiced point of view towards African-Americans. Mistakenly, people often refer to them as racists, when they actually mean bigots, in much the same way many people call our republic a democracy, or how conservatives mistakenly refer to leftists as liberals.

Racism, with a capital R, is a general sentiment upheld by a dominant group in society which supports racial discrimination (as an action) by creating a system that infringes, inhibits, and generally complicates the lives of the non-dominant groups, namely African-Americans. Racists can be both a group of extremely opinionated bigots or even non-bigoted people who just happen to benefit from the system that has existed for decades, giving them advantages, preference, and a general benefit of the doubt.

Now…as it stands, there is no space in our country where an African-American can express their displeasure about our systemically racist society and feel truly safe in doing so. Generally, they have no shelter or recourse with the police, because this is the arm of the government that disproportionately harasses, attacks, or kills them on a regular basis without full application of just law.

Furthermore, up until a certain point, CK had responsibilities as a professional football player. Games, practices. He couldn’t traverse the country on a daily basis for protesting, which wouldn’t make much sense, because he was in the most advantageous place he could be to get his message across. National TV coverage. Sports reporting. All in one convenient venue, and at arm’s length from anyone who might do him harm for speaking out/kneeling, something most black people could only dream about.

Now, the reason that I “believe any opposition to CK’s protest is a racist statement opposing his reasons to protest” is tied directly to privilege.
Historically and generally, white people have been uncomfortable or fearful of African-Americans occupying the same space, literal or virtual, unless they are in service to the dominant group, white people.
In contrast to African-Americans, white people have almost all spaces open to them, the police acting as a physical and legal barrier to access against African-Americans who are not in service to white people’s interests.
So, this is a trigger, an African-American protesting a police force that serves the white interests.

It triggers the conservatives who profit directly from marketing the armed forces to football fans (this is a Known Thing, which CK’S protests directly affect).
It triggers team owners, especially conservative ones, who are viewed as not able to keep their black players under control.
It triggers football fans who view African-Americans as only worthy to pass the barrier if they play good football.
It triggers corporations who market to those fans.
It triggers the bigots who oppose African-Americans through their prejudice and hatred, and poison the minds of other impressionable football fans (i.e., people who destroy their Nike gear).

And so on and so on until you have a strong opposition movement, (with thanks to social media for fueling the fire).