After pneumonia, Clinton releases medical info. On Dr. Oz, Trump weighs in at 267 pounds

I take it you’ve never before tried claiming that a common health issue is a rarity that no one gets without something being seriously wrong with them?

If you stop digging the hole, there will be less room to fall.


I don’t get the flack being thrown for “not announcing it” or “hiding it.”

She was diagnosed on the Friday before 9/11, and she had her public moment on Sunday, 9/11" It’s not like she might want to attend the huge 9/11 memorial thing without all the noise from such an announcement, right? And really, 48hrs, on a weekend no less, is considered covering it up?

We don’t know what would be eventually disclosed had nothing happened. Here’s the alternate headline: “Clinton delays announcement of diagnosis in deference to 9/11 ceremony”


I was at a party recently in which 8 different senior citizens, all wealthy and retired, were each getting over pneumonia. It’s actually quite common, especially among the jet set (the ones who travel a lot). Airports and airplanes are cesspools of disease.


She’s on Armour? Ugh. Yeah, it’s not consistent in its potency, and obviously not the nicest way to get the replacement hormone (especially considering the fact that it can be made quite efficiently in a lab) but surprisingly a lot of people swear it works better for them.


It’s more likely hyPO- not hyper- thyroidism. It’s an autoimmune disorder, but a very easily treated one, and very common among women who have given birth. (Having alien DNA inside your body for 9 months wreaks havoc with your immune system.)


Well, I guess it depends on how it’s prepared.


More accurately, he is a fraud.


Oh, so THAT explains why Trump likes him so much!



But they didn’t argue that… they said that pneumonia is always a serious condition and that one has to be very sick to get it in the first place. It’s just patently untrue. Whether or not she’s lying about her health is practically immaterial.


Trump is also the topic, since the post is also about HIS health…

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Is it time to take it out to the pasture and… well, you know. Let’s know let the press know what we’re planning, but…


That’s very suspicious for such a totally uncommon disease. :wink:


It’s a pretty classic “ol switcheroo” though.

Like when Trump supporters go on about how divisive Hillary is.

I mean, she is occasionally, but that’s because of some of her policy proposals being quite Republican, not because she’s an awful human being who steamrollers and cheats others on a daily basis, like some candidates this go 'round.


That’s nothing compared to last night’s Trump “switcheroo”, in which his campaign praised Trump for how cleverly he was able to put an end to the Obama birther debate that Hillary started, and that despite her insistence to the contrary, the great Trump discovered that Obama was indeed born in the USA, doing us all a wonderful service! Praise Trump!


I guess I’m not following your logic there? Am I presenting a switcheroo or is Clinton? I’m a pretty tricksy rabbit, you know! :wink:

I think that if she had some disease that made her unfit for office in some way, Alzheimer’s, for example, since that directly effects her ability to act as the president, I think we’d want to know that. But pneumonia is a common enough thing that I’m not concerned about it. And if she got really sick from it and died, well - this would all be a moot conversation, anyway, right? She wouldn’t be running for president anymore, unless we had a zombie outbreak… And then, well, is that even constitutional? I don’t know…


Neither, the rump surrogate was. The ol switcheroo about questioning Clintons health when rumps doctor and doctors letter and etc… is still such a live topic.


Honestly, I’m much more concerned with the BS he tried to pull after that event he went to in Flint the other day and then he tried to claim that they were attempting to “trick him”. the more I think about it, the more it pisses me off, actually:

I think this is a much bigger deal than the BS with the health stuff.


Is there a way we can trick him into a being a decent human being? No? I thought not. Okay, carry on then.


Oh! Okay! Sorry…

Yeah, I agree there. But his whole campaign has been based on duplicity.