After six months of sickness, 5-year-old blows safety pin from nose

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I want to tell one. When my son was two he had a habit of taking the pin out of the pneumatic closer on the screen door. He rarely put it in near his mouth, and I would caution him not to (I am the nervous parent). He would start with asking us to put it back together so he could take it apart and then he figure out how to do it himself.

One time my wife takes him upstairs to change his diaper and he must have been playing with it in his mouth and he swallowed it by accident. I am going to say it was my wife’s fault and damn the hate mail coming my way (in her defense, she has never been wrong on anything else). She comes down panicked that he swallowed it and we wondered whether to take him to the hospital where we knew they would take a long time to X-ray him (maybe) and then tell us to wait for it to pass. We didn’t go.

I told her she was responsible for checking his diaper until we knew it was out. He passed it, she found it, and it is back in the screen door closure. The other day it came up in conversation and I got to show my now 7 year old son, the pin he swallowed that is in the screen door and passed through his body!


No kidding. When I was a 6 year old there was this boy my age who’d shoved all sorts of crap through his belly button (he began with straight pins, graduated to nails). Not once did we even question his mother’s parenting skills. All we kept thinking is how awful it was to be her. I do think she did get him some professional help, which was amazing for the 1960’s.


Maybe sort of? After more extensive (and kind of annoying) research last night I came to the conclusion that it was probably abductive reasoning. The fields its associated with use similar thought processes styles of thinking to my own field. But I was not prepared to do a full analysis.

Whatever the case may be, I think it’s generally useful (even outside of the various sciences) but even in my own field people tend to not really get the actual underlying methodology.

(Continuing the spiffy newish conversation spawning above, I don’t have kids but I know some parents who accidentally shut a car door on a couple of fingers. Anyone who gets high and mighty about stuff like this hopefully doesn’t have kids … because if you think about it real hard you almost certainly have a worse story than a safety pin up a nose.)


I had a friend in grade school that enjoyed making “blow guns” out of straws and sewing needles. Then one time, not thinking, he inhaled.

That was an awkward conversation with his parents and an expensive ER bill (so I heard)


Sticking stuff up one’s nose/ears was my buddies’ thing – I was the kid that swallowed everything.
One of my Mom’s proudest moments must have been when the emergency room doctor commended her on the patriotism of her son…
I had swallowed a little bubble packet of glue that came with some sort of craft kit – I guess that I even stopped breathing because she said that my lips were starting to turn blue by the time that she got me to the ER.
They pumped my stomach and extracted the white glue along with red crayon, and blue fur (I used to graze on my fuzzy blue jacket) – I guess that there were a few coins in the mix as well.


Swallowing glue is the kind of a story that just sticks with you.


My personal story I blame on the one time my mother was telling all us kids about how her mother used to warn her and her siblings never to put beans up their nose.

I doubt the idea would ever have occurred to me if she hadn’t mentioned it, but she didn’t say why you shouldn’t put beans up your nose, so I had to try it myself to find out why. The reason, as I quickly found out, is that dried beans swell up when they get damp. That bean that went in easily won’t come out at all once it’s swelled up and slippery with mucus and blood. That experiment ended in a doctor visit; the nurse eventually got them out with flat tweezers.



clears throat Never, and I mean never give me a unicorn and a space ship. I’m not going to tell you why, you just have to find out.


Don’t you think that’s tacky?


Don’t you think that’s tacky? 


Don’t worry, I’ll gild the unicorn with gold and brass. It’ll be classy.


So, gold unicorn with brass balls?


I have so much to look forward to.


You have no idea… :wink:


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