Googly Eyes Foundation
A non profitable organization wich goal is to spread googly eyes around the world. Order your FREE googly eyes at our website and be part of it.
I checked with my nine year old and my seven year old. We all agree its funny.
The City of Savannah should brag about its increased park surveillance.
Wrong, googly eyes are. Which is why they’re awesome!
Well about that: Slavery through the Eyes of Revolutionary Generals - Journal of the American Revolution
Nathanael Greene owned slaves during the war and may have brought them with him on campaign.[8] When military exigencies became extreme, however, he strongly advocated for slave enlistment.[9] Further, after the Revolution, the states of South Carolina and Georgia rewarded his military services by deeding him sequestered loyalist plantations. Greene stated that he was forced to use slaves to make those properties financially successful.
The damage is very real, they are not exaggerating. But it’s not actually the statue that’s been damaged, just some egos.
Technically speaking, puns are rhetorically lowbrow while googly eyes are literally subbrow.
literally subbrow .
I what you did there
see what you did there!
Apparently, a library frowns on it as well.
Not at all defending the practice, but the same could be said of the majority of our founders. This statue, at least as I understand, is not to "a slave owning southerner " but to a Revolutionary War hero. Semantics, I know, but it makes a difference to me, at least.
Arrr arrr arrr!!
A non profitable organization wich goal is to spread googly eyes around the world. Order your FREE googly eyes at our website and be part of it.
“we’re keeping an eye on the situation”.
I see what you did there.
Edit: Ninja’ed by @tachin1
I see what you did there.
Yessss, I think we all see it!
If only they sold motorized ones.
Founder of Googliology.