Alex Jones suggests Trump is a traitor for getting a booster: "Now we've got Trump on their team!"

I love it when those fuckers turn on each other.
But really. THIS is what makes the MAGAtards turn on the Orange Bastard? THIS?!?!
Not his corruption, infidelity, compulsive lying, nepotism, criminal stupidity, neglect of his duties as president, treason, destruction of the economy, destabilisation of the world, mass murder by fucking up the pandemic response, instigating a failed coup d´etat, etc., etc., etc (I know, I know much of that shit are pros for those lunatic c*nts).
No, getting a booster shot to save his miserable, worthless life and he is a traitor to them?


Well, Epstein had to make sure they were healthy…


It’s the same with the Conservatives over here.

What about those doughty “freedom warriors”: the people who believe face masks, National Trust brochures and things students say represent an existential threat to our liberties? People such as Steve Baker, Nadine Dorries, Oliver Dowden, Toby Young, Julia Hartley-Brewer and Laurence Fox. So far, none of them, as far as I can tell, have railed against it. You could almost imagine that the only freedoms they value are their own.


That’s it - go chew each other up.


Well, there goes breakfast.


And more than that - “Those people didn’t tell me how to live! (or die).” They don’t fear being/becoming one of the other group (it’s not possible) - they fear being “controlled” by the other group - even if it’s just something as basic as having to acknowledge that the other group is human and deserving of respect/acknowledgement. (Which is why the whole “war on Christmas” is also part of this dynamic. Saying “happy holidays” acknowledges that holidays other than the ones they celebrate exist, and the people who celebrate those holidays exist, and that they’re worthy of being publicly acknowledged. Which is why they’re so upset - in the proper scheme of things, only their caste and what’s important to them should ever be publicly acknowledged.)

Seems to be fundamentally part of the same dynamic, despite the cultural differences.


They are fundamentally selfish people. They have inverted the meaning of patriotism to mean anything that acts in my (their) self interest. Disgusting.


And the same down in Australia - it’s almost like all three Anglophone democracies have had a poisonous media mogul undermining democracy for decades by advocating policies promoting the worst in humanity and to whom politicians genuflect for fear of being undermined by his titles…



All 'cos his dad was snubbed in the UK in the 60’s…


Its the whole No True Christian fallacy. Just as no bad Christian is really a Christian (because no true Christian can be bad), any time Trump goes against the hivemind orthodoxy, even Trump is no longer Trump.

Someone framed the whole issue as being about “caste”

I think even they would concede this, albeit, they’d frame it as “good, decent people” vs. “the Enemy”.


Confession into the wilderness:

Every time I hear “Alex Jones”,
I see Roots author Alex Haley because (I think):
Alex Haley was played by James Earl Jones in the TV series.

They definitely frame issues that way, but their behavior is so irrational and self-destructive, that particular framing isn’t enough - which is why it gets framed as being about “freedom” (even though that doesn’t make sense).




The one dude from the quote already looks half-dead. The only person I’ve seen who looks more like a corpse is Bannon.


A vaxxhole former friend whinges and complains on faceschnook re:vaccines and places that require proof thereof. Another friend, one who’s reality-based, told me that she’d got the brilliant idea to boycott all the restaurants, bars, venues, etc that have well, sensible plague policies. He - and we - thought that was hilarious.

“Boycott the places that won’t let us in!”


That’ll learn ‘em!


Oh, yeah. An intellectual giant, that one. /extravagantly rolls eyes


Pile cow pies high enough.


What? If he was pro-vaxx he would have encouraged people to get their shots and he would have told everyone that he got vaccinated when he did which I suspect was while he was still President. Instead, he downplayed the virus constantly and made fun of public health measures by taking shots at Biden for masking and having car rallies. Sure, he never said not to get vaccinated and maybe he helped Operation Warp Speed although I suspect he had little to do with it. It’s not exactly a bright idea to fund scientists to get a vaccine.


Technically, you could be for vaccines and against vaccine mandates. So that doesn’t really prove he was against vaccines although I’m pretty sure he was. Or he was, at least, ambivalent about them because he never encouraged Americans to get their shots (or mask or social distance). I remember him saying if you want to wear a mask, wear a mask and then made fun of Biden for doing just that.