Alt-Right Rally And Counter Protest In Berkeley

Ms. Dhillon said she was representing both the College Republicans and the Young America’s Foundation, a national conservative organization that is paying the bulk of Ms. Coulter’s fee.

Called it!

And their lawyer, Harmeet K. Dhillon, is she working pro bono, paid by YAF, or as a RNC National Committeewoman?


We need an insider at Bob Jones University to invite Richard Dawkins.


They’re infringing on her free speech! Oh, wait…they’re not letting her speak when she was planning to!

Anything to maintain the pretense of victimhood.


As @the_borderer, it’s hard to work with people who do not see you as fully human.


Because they think they are the good guys.

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“Rich man’s militia…” as the Fatima Mansions called them.


Everyone in these conflicts think they are the good guys. That is part of the problem.

I think people who are down with white supremacy and it’s implementation have much more to answer for, frankly. But YMMV.

And, just to be clear, I’m sure not all the people involved on the right side are white supremacists, but if you throw your support behind that cause, I’m not sure it’s much different and that the distinction matters all that much.


A lot of the people rallying are just patriotic, or maybe obstinate. But having watched and read the source material, I agree that many of those seeking violence are White supremacists and various other groups of skinheads or Neo-Nazis.
But the Antifa folks declared war on people they called Nazis. So now the actual Nazis are showing up.
I would not give you a quarter for Ann Coulter or Milo or any of those people. I am not interested in what they have to say. But if I did want to listen to them, even just out of morbid curiosity, and someone dressed like an ISIS thug wanted to stop me, I would be tremendously offended.

The last political rally I attended was being held by the ANC. It was interesting, But listening to those speeches does not mean that I support Communism or the practice of necklacing. I was literally just spectating. Antifa often targets spectators, which is a mistake.

I don’t believe the anti-fascists dress like “ISIS thugs” nor would they support them. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison.

I’d also argue that the hard right has been on the march and has been growing in mindshare since the election of Obama. They saw this as a major recruiting tool (a black man winning the presidency, previously held only by white Christian men).


And not all communists do, either. Remember, it’s a spectrum, as you well know.

Did they in this case, though? Do you have proof that they did?

The anti-fascist organization active here in ATL has been posting signs about people with ties to white supremacist organizations and go to GSU. Is that “targeting spectators” or giving GSU students a warning about people who might be targeting them for their race, religious, or political beliefs?


Well the antifa escalation came directly on the heels of a Milo fan shooting a protester in Seattle and the comically hyperbolic reaction to their appearance in Berkeley to protest him being there. They were declared a massive destructive force paid for by Soros immediately by GOP media, and not just by Breitbart (because somehow Fox’s standards for broadcasting don’t have a lower floor); and that is just a flat lie. Now, after there have been counter protests that are also violent - including conservatives doing backflips to support a man hitting a woman - conservative media had to ramp up their attack from “paid protester” to “ISIS-like terrorism” which is also silly hyperbole just to make their guys seem better.



I really don’t have any sympathy for the “Proud Boys” or any of the Stormfront rabble. But if I wanted to attend a speech by Farrakhan or Morton Klein, I doubt that any of the Stormfront people would try to physically prevent me from attending.

Also- This guy might be a dangerous skinhead thug, but he does not look like one. And how it looks to the average person is important.

I said “Antifa often attacks spectators”, not that this was the case in the latest brawl at Berkeley.

I am aware that Antifa and the Supremacists are having a doxing contest. As long as they do not misidentify any regular people, I am not really worried about it.

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On the right side (but probably not alt-right side), these are the people paying for all those guest speakers and lawyers:

They’ve even turned Saint Reagan’s Ranch into a shrine.


Except for the times white supremacists incited violent protests over the years? They are in the thick of many violent protests like when the Freddie Gray protests turned violent.

Also Farrakhan was protested by liberals at Berkeley in 2012, and much like the Milo visit of 2017 there were a lot of people not arrested (though I think 1 person was arrested at the Milo protests).


I really don’t want to argue about which group of violent, antisocial scum I would prefer to get attacked by.

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maybe a little less caffeine and sugar for these participants

I like that. It has a good ring to it

Oh, they wear the same close, they must be just alike! /s

No, dude. Seriously. Just no. that’s BS and you know it. Anti-fascists aren’t out there stealing antiquities and beheading people and kidnapping women as sex slaves.

And a completely decontexualized picture of a guy who got hit with tear gas isn’t going to convince me that white supremacists are less bad than anti-fascists. I’m sorry the guy got hit. I’m also really sorry he voted for the guy who supported mass deportation and a muslim ban and for pretty much eliminating my right to bodily autonomy.