American Carnage: the worst-case election day pundits fear

Here’s fuckin’ hopin’.


I keep hearing this and hope you are correct. However, I fear even a landslide will be called into question.


I signed up to be a poll worker in Massachusetts. They told us that political stuff is OK as long as it isn’t for or against anyone/anything actually on the ballot. Likely differs by state.


That’s what they think worst case scenario looks like? Cute. I can think of far, far worse scenarios that are very, very possible, but I’m still like 5% superstitious so I’m not going to give them voice.


“Bored teenagers that just want to watch stuff burn.”

Really? Go fuck yourself.


And meanwhile in Russia:
putin laughing


I wore my Delaware Blue Hens jacket to early voting. No problems! :wink:


This was a very important decision (or, non-decision, as it were) that came down yesterday:


Make it so. Get out the vote!


It’s going to be funny if Biden does have clear win and then it’s Trump who is wailing, No, we have to wait, we haven't seen the mail-in results yet. The mail-in results you said were going to be so “rigged”, “skewed”, “fraudulent”?


The Media has to be very careful how they report events on Election night. NO RED MAPS showing partial results that will be spun otherwise. Constantly remind viewers that the poll results for the days voting is a small percentage of votes this time - AND PROJECT THE BIDEN WIN, all night, constantly.


I am vaguely concerned that Fox and the Reich wing media outlets will call it for Trump at 10, regardless of outcome, and the rest of the media (including BBC and foreign media) will have a more reality based hold on making a call or call it for Biden once the facts are in place, setting up conspiracy theories, terrorism, and perhaps open violence.

I really hope Biden wins it in a landslide, it is reported as such, and the crazies on the right somehow get back to reality; and we have peace. Also that the Republican party returns to it’s Lincoln roots. Oh, and that I get a pony and ice cream and… cries in a corner


Fox and the other obtuse right wing sources posing as media will obviously play trump’s script. Thats why the other Media has to be RELENTLESS in undermining that effort.


The 2020 Election will be decided by the ballots, by the Supreme Court, and in the streets.

The Dems are promoting the idea of a Blue Tsunami and a resounding exercise by the citizenry of their democratic right to vote.

Trmp and the Reps are working to secure another seat on the Supreme Court in order to perform Bush v Gore, Part II and hand the Presidency to Trmp, which is why Trmp’s campaign seems so unconcerned about tactical campaigning now.

Trmp and the Reps are also working hard, somewhat sotto voce, to spur armed groups going into the streets to disrupt the process - from voting, to counting the votes, to installing a new President.

Vote, yes, vote but do more than vote.


I’m hoping for something more like Y2K, all hand-wringing and furrowed brows beforehand, and then you wake up the next morning and it’s all good.

Hope springs eternal.


I came to this realization the other day, and mentioned it to my father who owns many guns.

All the gun stores have been sold out of guns and ammo since the pandemic started. As near as I can tell, it didn’t tick up as we got closer to the election.


I expect that to be exactly what happens.

The only way that’ll happen is if people put the ground work in and campaign from morning to night to inform everyone they can, much like the Y2K coding saviours who put countless hours in working their fingers to the bone to ensure the planes didn’t fall out of the sky.


There is ammo out there, but you really have to dig for it online and jump on it when you find it. It is literally ‘here today and gone in a few hours’. Forget about your local sporting goods stores. I am talking about handgun ammo- 9mm, to be specific- shotgun ammo seems plentiful.
Even so, prices have pretty much doubled, compared to 6 months ago.

Nor am I. Better to have it & not need it, etc…

Same here.
It looks to me that the massive upswing in early voters here in Texas is due to Abbott making it nearly impossible to vote by mail; and that those are Dems that would otherwise have preferred to vote by mail. Maybe the same is true elsewhere & mail-in votes are being done in-person instead…IOW, Conventional Wisdom has it backward.

Here’s hoping for a Dem blowout across the board.


Not the best-case scenario but if current polling is correct we are looking at a landslide victory for sanity.


Best-case scenario, I wake up and this was all just a bad dream. I guess what I was really asking for, but so poorly articulated, is I’d prefer to see instead of this, some slick video about how we’re going to pull off this election without a supreme court decision and/or civil war. I’m admittedly a pessimist, but that does not mean I’m wrong in thinking a “landslide” isn’t going to save up from either of these outcomes.