'AN ACT OF TERROR' — Packages sent to 7+ targets, CNN, Obamas, Clintons, Soros, Cuomo, Holder, Maxine Waters

Why would the wires from the timer go to separate ends of the pipe?

If they’re running to a blasting cap or other detonator, shouldn’t both go in the same end?

Makes me doubt these are capital-r real.



Which means they’ll take turns standing around outside with unconcealed weapons, just “to keep everyone safe”.


The explanation is that the Repubs have been braying about “angry mobs” on the left, which of course requires that the right wing nut jobs must respond in kind. Projection is their stock in trade.


It’s time for bravery in the face of adversity:



Those violent leftists! If we had unbiased news networks based on real journalism the right wing would not be able to drive the narrative. Remember when news and media was being consolidated by right wing magnates at a voracious clip, and of course with the dismantling of our antitrust laws starting way back in Ronny Raygun’s terms we are now seeing the devastating consequences of state run media. I shuddered at the future impact to journalsim and the news cycle. The future is now.


to be fair, it’ll probably play out such that there are facts which 70% of people acknowledge as the real story, and then wild conjecture, hear-say, and out right lies that 30% of people claim is the real story.

we don’t have a problem with two different interpretations of facts in the us, we have a problem with facts and lies.


The alt right, which is pretty young comparatively, has a serious hard on for spree and rampage killers. You various “incel killers” like Eliot Rogers are refered to as saints and heroes, especially in the incel/misogynist movment. And for all the news’ sudden awareness of the whole Incel thing they don’t seem to have made the connection to the broader New Misogynist Movement or the alt right. And fantasies about a “beta uprising” are endemic on that end of the alt right.

One end of a long standing fantasy of triggering insurrection or revolution among a complacent public that obviously supports and and agrees with the radical right. Probably best known as your RAHAWA, and militia movement obsession with being in open war against the US government.

The alt right buys into that pretty hard. Along with fantasies of proving something or winning something by murdering the opposition en mass. And they’re pretty eccumenical in who they celebrate. Seem equally obsessed with Ruby Ridge, Dylan Roof, and Anders Brevick. And any mass killer without a clearly stated left wing goal makes their list, so long as he’s white. Even including James Holmes who clearly evidenced some left wing ideas and connections in his written materials and social media presence. And even routine murderers. If a man kills his wife and kids, well that guys a hero. Especially if there was a custody battle involved.

Its already happened repeatedly. If not in this precise format, scale, or with targets this prominent.

US law enforcement and Intelligence have repeatedly, and regularly pointed to right wing fringe groups as the single largest risk and source of domestic terrorism. And from alt right bragging about being armed and prepared to kill before Charlottesville. To shooters like Dylan Roof (White supremecist terror) and all those incels we’re suddenly concerned about (a movement neatly nested in the alt right), the Mahler Wildlife Refuge dudes. Threats and attacks have been happening at a regular pace for years.

But its not terrorism some how. And the GOP has formally invited them to the party, while the media continues to treate it as a non issue and these groups as entirely legitmate parts of politics or quirky weirdos.

They’re apparently packed with real powder and several have blown up real good under bomb squad supervision.

But like I said the authorities and experts are describing them as poorly made. That may seem a relief as it makes it unlikely they’ll go off as expected and actually kill their targets. But past mail/mass bombers who made poorly made bombs. Well those bombs tended to go before they made it to the targets, unexpectedly. And in some cases ended up hurting significantly more people than intended.


Isn’t everything a false flag for the radio loon pundit crowd?


But of course they called the Oklahoma bomber a “lone wolf” instead of a terrorist associated with a violent network of militia types, because white male. See also Cliven Bundy’s gang.

We liberals not listening to the bombers is what led to the bombings in the first place. Clearly the only way to stop this is to get out of our urban coastal elite bubbles and talk to these Real Americans™ in the heartland.

[there, I’ve saved our usual Libertarian and conservative apologists some time]


This thread is a good explanation of why:




I see a lot of “you can tell the difference between a Democrat and a Republican’s bomb from the ‘boom’ sound” in these false-flag talks.


Christ the number of un-investigsted connections to far right groups in that. Even based on the facts to hand there were obviously other people involved. And McViegh and Nichols were deeply involved in Christian Seperatist, White Supremecist and Patriot Movement groups and Militias.

Last Podcast on The Left did an excellent overview of both the bombing itself and the clear indications that others who went free were directly involved.


Well, it’s actually worked for them so far. Not just in this case - where we see a toothless lefty response and the right denying it even happened - but in general. They shut down family planning clinics across the country, after all. Terrorism won in the abortion war.

Yeah. Sigh. “Those damn violent lefty mobs - they don’t just send bombs, they try to make us look responsible, too!”
But chaos works for them, in general.


Every time the FBI etc tries to investigate these assholes, the right wing politicians who support them get their panties in a bunch and squash it by threatening the funding of the “offending” administration. So long as we tolerate white supremacist aligned politicians in office this will not get an ounce of attention. They cannot afford to let these investigations proceed. Too many of them would get caught up in the results.


Kathy, I know what you intended with this post, and I agree. But would you still be so kind to remove this asshole from our view? No need to give him the satisfaction of being “famous”.


Cuomo one may have been a USB stick not a bomb. Will try to find where I saw that.

Could not find the reference.