Angry religious people wander around Target yelling about bathrooms

You are spot on. Comments made me cringe and you were right to call it out. :+1:


As am I, but it cuts both ways and the talk can tip too far in the other direction and anyone that isn’t on board with feeding into blind ‘fuck group’ which… I kinda tend to be part of as a matter of birth I get just a little… put out feeling on when sweeping generalizations get made. i mean I get it, lot of badness going on in the world, but the tone here in the forum can feel very ‘oh if you don’t agree with us then you’re a scumlord that loves the establishment’s stomping people’s heads in.’

So, well worded or not (usually not) my end goal generally is ‘uh hey guys while you do have a few guys that are sitting there standing with you screaming the same things it’s kinda sounding a hell of a lot like shit the people you think are assholes would say if you changed a few nouns/pronouns.’
Tends to make me annoyed when ‘oh you’re one of the GOOD ones’ or something similar gets used, because i’m sitting there thinking ‘about fifty years ago (if not a lot sooner) talk like that would be used rather openly where I live to talk about a black man sucking up and defending segregation and white asshats running roughshod over everyone. I… kinda don’t ever want that talk to be used again to describe a person.’

Which is generally why I dislike and disagree with many christians, including my family. A lot of what they would say would fall apart if you flipped around group names. They have no problem andsee nothing bad about imposing their vision of law and relegiousness over everyone, but shia law is evil and wicked and… MEEEH.


People like that are why we can’t have nice things.

That lady is engaged in child abuse and neglect. What she’s doing is criminal. She’s dragging her kids along with her.

Beyond her paranoid religious ranting. But these are just the loud and annoying versions of many others like em.


[quote=“Mindysan33, post:115, topic:78210”]
I am not in anyway defending this woman and her bigotry and I’m kind of irritated that so many people seem to think it’s an either/or question here or that I am somehow saying this woman’s views should not be shouted down. I’d like to think that people here know me better than that by now, but apparently not.[/quote]
I do not and would not believe for one second that you were defending her bigotry. I know for a fact that Im not alone in regarding you as one of the longest-standing and most rational regulars.

You’re calling it out made me think twice about my own initial indifference to that tone. I honetsly don’t know where the right place to draw the line is, but I appreciate you bringing a contrary voice into the discussion so that it was had.


Once you quote the text, drag the image into the the quote. As long as it’s somewhere between the quote tags, it should appear in the gray quote box. If you’re on a phone, you can copy the image location into the tags (which does the same thing as dragging it).

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Seems a it nonintuitive. I kept trying to drag the image into the reply, or doing a click/hold like you do to quote text.

Strange. The drag-and-drop works fine for me in Firefox. You can also try right-clicking on the image and you’ll see a drop-down menu. Some browsers will give you a menu option called “inspect element” which will all you to see the HTML code for the image. Part way down you will see a web address ending in .jpg which you can copy and paste into between the quote. That’s manually doing the same thing the drag and drop does.

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Huh, live and learn. Thanks.

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This woman is afraid her children are going to be exposed to “perversion” and this will cause them harm. No one would want their kids exposed to “perversion” and thus harmed. However, a trans-person using the bathroom isn’t a perversion It isn’t harmful. She’s been led to believe that people who are slightly different from her are going to hurt her children when it just ain’t so.

Now what do we do about it? Being scornful of her ignorance and fear isn’t very helpful. We respond to fear and ignorance with teaching and reassurance. She needs to be heard and then taught without judgement and ultimately reassured that people who are different are not always a threat and will not necessarily harm her or her kids. Tall order. But this can be done.


It’s a nice sentiment, but this woman’s attitude regularly leads to parents disowning their own children for being gay, much less something harder to understand, like trans. I don’t see how it’s worthwhile to try and teach the willfully ignorant.

You know what they say:

“You can lead a horse to water. But you can’t make the willfully stupid learn stuff they know will change their mind.”


It is because her fear and ignorance leads to disowning and other shunning, shaming acts against real people that teaching her and relieving her fear is so important. Fear and ignorance. How should you deal with it when you see it in others?


I honestly don’t know. I just know what worked for me. How I climbed out of the pit.

But a lot of people would rather die than change their minds. And sometimes it’s too late to save people from their hatred.

Contradicting someone’s core beliefs is threatening. And some people just can’t stand it. No matter how gentle or socratic.


I guess I am being stubbornly idealistic. She could be a lost cause. But if no one ever tries to reach her and people like her, there will never be change. I believe every trans-person has made some change in others simply by living their lives. Every one of us has moved someone who has fear and ignorance about something a little bit. All these little motions add up to something in the long run.


It’s an admirable attitude to have. Even if people like Ken Ham and Sye Ten Bruggencate exist.

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The suspense is killing me. Which one are you already?

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I went with triangle, but i got the feeling that “if you have to ask” you are a square. :slight_smile:





                                    "Let’s raise up books we haven’t read!"


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