Angry religious people wander around Target yelling about bathrooms

I know a lovely group of friendly Satanists who would be willing to preach their beliefs in front of the LaVelle’s house if they thought it would help the family understand what it feels like to have someone force their religion upon you… that being said, I know that they wouldn’t enjoy the experience because they don’t feel the need to shove their beliefs down the public’s throat.


So… God now also recognizes corporations as people too?


Just what Jesus had in mind!

Also, I love the reaction of the Target customers. Business as usual in the USA.


I wouldn’t say it upsets me. I just have contempt for him, even while I do respect his willingness to be a dad to and not just the father of his children. People are complex, but that complexity doesn’t alter my contempt for the bad things they do. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, I turned my back on my best childhood friend under peer pressure. I have contempt for that choice I made. And while I do like to believe I’ve tried in the balance to be a good person, I recognize that people will judge me on their terms, and I’m fine with that.

My contempt for reckless breeders isn’t even in the same league of contempt I have for man-boys like the serial rapist you describe; someone like that deserves at best to be locked away for intensive psychotherapy, and really tests my opposition to the death penalty.

RELATIVE: Why aren’t you going to have kids?
ME: It’s not my decision to make.
RELATIVE: Just tell your wife there’s a “you” and an “us” in “uterus!” Ha ha!
ME: Excuse me, I need another drink.


Make poop, not war.


You’ll probably need more than one drink to drown your relative.


I am personally sorry if I contributed to piling on. I want to ask a question, and I don’t expect you to respond if you’d prefer not to discuss it, but it’s below for anyone to reply to.

Isn’t deciding to have a large family for the purposes of indoctrinating them into a hateful version of a religion and raise them to hate, oppress and incite violence against LGBT people very much both part of her rhetoric and actions? I agree her uterus is irrelevant (the way she had them doesn’t matter), and I had to look up what a whelping box is (not cool dude), but her and her husband’s breeding do seem to be quite pertinent to their actions and activism. They do not seem irrelevant. Is anything that involves sex or reproduction out of respectable bounds for criticism, or is it merely the callous sexist tone of the criticism thoughtlessly interjected into this thread that’s skeevy (I take it as read that the tone at least is)?


“Angry religious people”

Is there any other kind?

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Buddhists and Taoists, in my personal experience.

But the Abrahamic-based religions?

Not so much…


I think that’s a fine criticism. Calling a uterus a clown car really doesn’t express that point, though.


No one called you stupid. No one thinks your stupid at all. You’re quite smart, actually. [quote=“singletona082, post:73, topic:78210”]
Think this woman rediculous for being cartoonist caricature of relegious nutjob.

I think lots of us agree with this, too.[quote=“singletona082, post:73, topic:78210”]
Reality make head hurt. Reality needs to stop it.

Again, you’re not wrong.


uterus =/= not a clown car.


I do agree that having children to indoctrinate them is pretty hideous and I don’t doubt that there are high levels of abuse in these families. The quiverfull are not great people, IMHO. I am not in anyway defending this woman and her bigotry and I’m kind of irritated that so many people seem to think it’s an either/or question here or that I am somehow saying this woman’s views should not be shouted down. I’d like to think that people here know me better than that by now, but apparently not.

For me, it was the tone. I do think, depending on context and intent, a reproduction joke can be quite funny. In this context, it really wasn’t. Maybe others disagree and they are welcome to continue to make those jokes. I will call it out, though, pile on or no. I’m just tired of sexist shit in all of life.


Seconded, with an addendum that I’m seriously tired of all the ‘ist’ bullshit in life; with anyone who willfully fucks over anyone or anything else for profit and/or pleasure.




No. The law was that if a man died before producing an heir, his brother had to marry the widow and any children born in their marriage would be considered the first husband’s progeny. Onan didn’t want to create any heirs who would inherit ahead of him (for being the children of the elder brother, who would thus get first dibs over their uncle) so he “spilt his seed” rather than risk impregnating his/his brother’s wife.


Hey no worries I was just poking fun at how i get now and then. No big we’re cool. You’re one of the regulars I generally like seeing in thread summary.

Just as a random how do I quote pictures?

Huh. I knew it involved basically going ‘you know what? I WON’T DO WHAT YOU WANT ME TO.’ I am a bad christian for not being as well read as I should be.

Well I’d be a bad one according to a lot of other bible thumpers for being chill with gays, transgendered, muslims, athiests, etc etc instead of being a bleating exclusionary dickbag.


I’m 11 hours late to support you but I’m with you. I was uncomfortable with the comments that were all about how many kids she had rather than the hate she was spewing.


I’m somewhat fortunate in this regard. While I do live with fundies still, they were faced with a nephew becoming a niece about ten years ago, and that forced them to think about their faith a bit.

They knew my cousin wasn’t evil or possessed. They knew what kind of a person she is, and had to make some adjustments to their thinking.

Not enough to accept my own bisexuality. But enough to realize that legal marriage and people’s sexuality and gender identity are probably not very important to their god. That loving people is far more important. Jesus said so, after all.

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Matthew 22:36-40

I have problems with the first one, I’m sure you know. But the second, I can get on board with.