Angry religious people wander around Target yelling about bathrooms

As often as that as used as anti-masterbation quotery… Yeeeeaano. That was God going ‘Dude, get with making an heir. I don’t care if you have to knock whores up’ and dude just… kinda told God to sod off…[quote=“RogerStrong, post:81, topic:78210”]
God’s judgement wiped out Target here in Canada.

I thought tht was more bad business practices and impatient shareholders in spite of the fact initial projections showed they would need to wait til the 2020’s to become profitable.

At least tim hortons isn’t taking over all the old locations?

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According to MrsTobinL’s friends up north it was mostly they offered nothing new over other places they already went to, etc.

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Their humor does not align with mine.


They were trying to replace Zellers, which had just closed down, and actually took over most of the Zellers leases. They ran into three problems:

  1. Zellers was the discount branch of a much larger chain (Hudson’s Bay), so they were able to take advantage of a much larger infrastructure than Target had… and Zellers still went under. They would have to compare favorably with Zellers, and they didn’t: not on prices or on selection.
  2. They spent months renovating all of the Zellers stores, by which point, all of the Zellers customers had gotten used to shopping at Wal-Mart.
  3. Target, in the States, has prices at or below Wal-Mart’s. They couldn’t do that in Canada, so why would anyone switch to shopping Target when they could get things cheaper at Wal-Mart?

The problem wasn’t that they needed time to turn a profit; it was that the losses were far worse than expected to start. The entire launch was a fiasco with no end in sight.

Canadians who crossed the border to shop at Target for their prices and vast selection expected the same from the new Canadian Target stores. Instead they got non-competitive pricing and empty shelves.

The story of the fiasco begins, as narrative convention requires, with the adoption of SAP inventory management software. The link I posted above explains the rest.


Well not having been to WalMart in Canada, cause well WalMart in America is just a sad experience I don’t know. Target here has always been a step up in presentation and atmosphere over WalMart.
Then again there is the joke Target is just WalMart for people that know Elvis is dead.


Now that IS Old Testament at its worst!!!


Oh dog no… I wan’t @anon48584343’s 12 14 kids… (and one cat)


that makes sooooo much more sense! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks for the link, it’s a fascinating read.

Former employees describe decoding SAP as like peeling an onion—it had multiple layers and made you want to cry.

this made me giggle helplessly


I’m sure no offense was intended, but the adjective you are looking for is “transgender”, not “trans-gendered”.


…nor engendered…


Well that seems like it would be a fun, nurturing household to grow up in.


Can’t speak for anyone else, but I think any man who fathers 12 children is at least as despicable as the mother. At least the ignorant bigot mother put some work into those pregnancies. All the father did was donate sperm. Having more than two kids is questionable, but some have none, so okay. Having 12 is contemptible. The planet can barely support humans as it is, and species (those miraculous creatures these fools think some sky daddy made for them) are going extinct by the truckload. I have zero problem criticizing irresponsible breeders for contributing to overpopulation. The fact that this woman (and presumably her husband) are horrible hateful bigots just makes them more deserving of that contempt.

ETA: But I will agree that some of the comments have had an unnecessarily sexist tone to them.


Duly noted, but in that sentence it’s a noun, not an adjective.

“Offensive”? Is it really “offensive” to spell it that way? Have conservatives begun using that particular spelling as an epithet? Considering the larger issue here, it sure seems petty to get hung up on two words that are practically the same. A rose by any other name. . . .


At least (presumably) he’s stuck around to help raise them.

I have the misfortune of knowing someone who, when I first met him 35 years ago, had four kids from three different women. That number has grown considerably over the years. His mother isn’t joking when she says that she has grandchildren everywhere he got off the bus. No, he doesn’t take any responsibility for them.

That’s aside from being a serial rapist with a preference for underage girls. Which people around him are remarkably accepting of. At least he FINALLY, at age 50, got convicted for one. (Making headlines around the world for claiming the 16-year-old girl raped HIM. Plus a conviction for internet luring a different girl.)

All of which makes it hard for me to be upset with a man who fathers 12 children if does his part to raise them.


The not so funny thing about all this is that this is not really about religion, it’s about politics – the politics of control.


Listen, don’t mention the uterus! I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right.

My bad!

Made you count!!!


On the other hand, Target’s pro-Idiot agenda appears to be firing on all cylinders

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