Angry religious people wander around Target yelling about bathrooms

It’s not. Any store large enough to have a family bathroom, will definitely have changing stations in both of the other ones. Most nice mens rooms have changing stations.

Fun fact - I really had to pee a couple weeks ago. The game store I was at had two bathrooms, but they were single use only. So I used the womens. Sorry ladies.


After reading the commentary and watching as much of that vid as I could stomach, I have two thoughts to share.

One; I really have to wonder if she goes to the same church as this lady:

And Two;

This is the reaction I would have had if I were unfortunate enough to be working at that particular Target:

No need to apologize; when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Plus we’re even steven, in my book:

I can’t count the number of times I’ve used the men’s room at a club or a concert because the line for the women’s room was ridiculously long.


Damn near choked on my coffee laughing at those loonies, Thanks BB.

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I’m not selfish enough to deprive a newbie parent if it turns out the changing station in the whichever gendered restroom is jacked up. I found entirely too many when I still had need for such things.

True fact: at least one of the women’s restrooms at Joe Lewis Arena simply had the placard changed from Men to Women. The piss wall was not removed. I look forward to never using that restroom again.

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The North Carolina bathroom bill is written to make things difficult.

The first time I visited the Speakeasy Cafe in Seattle was in the early 2000’s and I couldn’t figure out if I was a triangle or a square, the two symbols on the doors at the time. Finally after 2 16oz latte’s I asked out of necessity, and they said, feel free to use either one. They were well ahead of their time. :slight_smile: I love it.


based on her behavior, child services should be making those 12 available sometime soon…


I actually had to complain at a Walmart* 13ish years ago because the men’s room didn’t have a changing station, or sink countertops for me to change my 4month old. I was sorely tempted to use the complaint counter in lieu.

*NB I know, Walmart, there’s your problem. But at the time it was the the only place that I could afford to do the shopping I needed in one stop


Mostly the fact that she views the fact she pumped out twelve kids as moral high ground to bleat at how the rest of are damned, at least that’s it for me on why. I know, easy target but still… It just… Christ. WHY?!

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Slight adjustment: They’ve been doing it for as long as gender-segregated bathrooms have existed.


You are much braver (or had slightly more energy today) than I.


Ug me stoopd. Me am Make Joke. Me not mean offend person here. Me think we all on same side. Think this woman rediculous for being cartoonist caricature of relegious nutjob.

why reality taking pages out of Onion?

Reality make head hurt. Reality needs to stop it.

There isn’t a Target convenient to me anymore, but I made a special trip out there last week. They have a TON of gluten-free frozen burritos now! I’m going back!


Why? Because: Christ.


I like the idea in American Gods that the same god, when worshipped by two different cultures, actually becomes two different gods.

It’s the only way that I would be able to reconcile the Christ in the Bible with the one all of the assholes worship.


Y’know. I’m Christian. I believe in Christ, the ressurection, and all. However I feel this person that’s impressing themselves on these twleve young minds and therefor spreading hate simply by being themselves missed the core lesson of the new testament, which was that christ went to those poor, the prostitutes, the gentiles. Those that were marginalized. He didn’t tell them that thy wer scum. He gave them an open hand and told them that they were just as important and valued as everyone else and that they should be treated the same as those in power. For we are all human, ergo failable, but even so we are all the creator’s children so deserve love rather than scorn.

As this thread, and my own actions in particular show, it’s one thing to know this. It’s another to not give in and go ‘haha look at that loser.’ even when you’re also one of the down-and-outs. Human nature at play I suppose.

We have any buddists in the audiance that want to chime in on the whole ‘overcoming human nature and failings’ or really anyone that doesn’t follow abrihamic traditions (athiests included here.)


The Pit & Pendulum pub in Nottingham has its bathrooms ‘hilariously’ disguised as bookshelves, and not (as far I remember) marked as to which is which.

And 12 kids? Pfft, slackers. My granddad was one of 24 (two mothers, mind. Sisters).


You’re right. I feel bad for mocking her. Jesus would not approve.


How about the shower drain? Umm asking for a friend. :slight_smile:


God’s judgement wiped out Target here in Canada.

Rather than using locusts or hellfire, He inflicted upon them horrible inventory management software.