Anti-government activist Ammon Bundy arrested for refusing to wear mask in court

But it’s not like this starts with the Obama era. This is a decades-long problem of not treating white supremacist and far right groups aligned with them as a serious threat to the country. Obama most likely listened to the people who advised him to treat the Bundy’s in a similar manner, because they didn’t see it as a “real” threat compared to Islamist terrorism, if the issue was even brought up to him in the first place. The only thing the Obama era did to supercharge this problem was to have a Black president, that could more easily be touted as an existential “threat” to white Americans and to get more buy in from white people on the fence about these issues. That is hardly Obama’s fault of course.


Remember the Republican freak out when this went public? 2009, we knew it was a problem.

Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe - WSJ

It was quashed and never heard from again. Well, until 1/6/21, anyway.


In a word, No…


Right? Too many “Don’t Tread On Me” flags around here in front of million-dollar McMansions. Yeah, you’re soooooo trod upon.


If they were POC they’d been aired out in minutes and the bodies displayed in typical American fashion for all to see, FACT!


Nice for him to get the A-track treatment of being gently wheeled outside, rather than the B-track of being tased out of the chair, cuffed and dragged. I guess the officers realized that A was less effort for them.

I mean, what other reason could it be? :thinking:


“Whadaya mean I can’t drive 60mph in a school zone? First the government infringes on my right of free travel, then they can start locking us all up in prison camps!”

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Absolutely not! But what happened at Malheur was so brazen in a way that hadn’t really been a part of the extreme right’s arsenal in recent memory. Only the most extreme would fail to condemn Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph, even though their intentions were very similar; to change or abolish Federal sovereignty through terrorist actions (or in the case of McVeigh, straight up retribution for Ruby Ridge, iirc). Malheur was relatively non-violent but it struck directly at the heart of Federal Sovereignty by way of the public trust doctrine. The intent wasn’t to hold Malheur, it was to show that they could and by doing so intimidate the Executive branch, which is exactly what they did. That inaction emboldened people who probably wouldn’t have followed the example of Oklahoma City or Atlanta. But it’s all part of the same spectrum, for sure.


I guess now we know the male counterpart of a Karen…is an Ammon.



There’s something in a name after all.

not second-guessing Shakespeare here, but perhaps he had a point.

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Maybe someone should send him a box full of dildos and candy dicks again.

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There’s nothing in the Constitution about that, it’s just a “norm”


I’m hoping Judge Manweile will allow him back into his courtroom ASAP, as swift justice is an imperative for this asshole. Ammon Bundy will, of course have to comply with the judge’s wishes to have an N-95 mask surgically implanted onto his face. Then allowing two weeks for the stitches to be removed to keep his “social diseases” from spreading. Jail time away from the the media presence he craves is time well spent.
… Problem solved.

One of the norms Trump regularly violated by trying to wield the DoJ as his personal law firm/hit squad to settle personal grievances.

As norms go, “the White House avoiding getting directly involved with the prosecution of individual criminal cases” is generally a pretty good one.


Strong agree. It was such a visceral contrast to see a literal small army of white rednecks pointing high powered rifles at federal agents yet everyone went out of their way to make sure nobody got hurt. Meanwhile black men are getting run down with police cars and shot 27 times for holding a cellphone or standing “suspiciously”. It hurts my brain how broken the system is. Throwing the book at the Bundys as the law says they should have would have been a strong step in the right direction towards everyone being equal under the law. Once again, the things America says it is about seem to bear no resemblance to its actions.


Wasted? NO no no - those were hours WELL SPENT!

That said I recall the later levels of this game being hellishly difficult.

I suspect that the fictional harry would have preferred to use his staple-gun to permanently affix a mask to his real world imitator…

Kind of my point, that we should have been taking this stuff seriously as a network of extremists after Oklahoma City, ATL, and Ruby Ridge - this exploded into public consciousness back then and has been built on ever since. The lack of investigating the root of the actions here and the networks that existed goes back way before Obama’s administration. On top of that, literally ANYTHING he did that could half way be construed as “attacking” white people was held up as proof that he was a radical socialist muslim out to make whites second class citizens.

Disagree that that was the major recruitment point. It was one, but there were many others prior to this. This is decades of failure of local and federal law enforcement organizations. They’ve been busy organizing for years and years.


Anti-government activist

There’s a cynical(?) part of me that says he’s not anti-government at all. Anti-this-government, perhaps, but I suspect he’s got his own big plans for everyone.

The 1991 me might be shocked and dismayed to hear this but, these days, I am more-or-less pro-government.


Maybe they could get their buddy to stand on a hand truck for easy wheeling into custody?

Felt inspired by this True Patriot getting wheeled out to the curb like so much trash.