Antimasker goes to Home Depot to holler at mask people

If it so happened we had a pandemic in the 60s/70s, I think Kilroy would be a good name for it. Of course, for opposite reasons.


Next time someone starts bringing up “English Only” ask them to read their currency.


We actually did in 68! It was a flu pandemic and it killed somewhere between 1 and 4 million…

68 was a shit year, too.


I have a lot of respect for people who are able to speak calmly to people like her. I probably would have grabbed her phone and broken it in half about 30 seconds in.

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Yeah, it’s common for anti-maskers to mock masks as face diapers, so for clarity’s sake I don’t use the term “chin diaper” as a way to denote people wearing them in beard net mode.

Peroxide bleaches some fabrics - leaves something for the person to photo, video and otherwise use complain about damage on social media.

Drug store peroxide has never successfully bleached any fabric I’ve tried it on. :wink:

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There are anti-fungal peroxide sprays that are very effective and safe for places that handle food.

(Sorry, I have no idea where I’m going with this.)


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