Anyone watching the US Presidential debate tonight?

Why? It’s not like Trump cares about america or is patriotic. Sure he’s jingoistic, but that’s really just to make sure his base is always angry and riled up. If he and his base cared about our country they’d be interested in service, instead of power.


I sort of think that was the point.

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His big early achievement - when he was a journalist - involved taking on the organization running gambling, prostitution, and pornography in downstate Illinois, so I think he deserved some slack w/r to obscenity-related political activity. (Incidentally, one of my first campaigns was working for his goobernatorial primary opponent, a man who eventually won the nomination, the office, and a prison sentence in that order.)


The life cycle of the Illinois governor, one of nature’s wonders.


Now I’m imagining Attenborough narrating that.

“But the lives of even the powerful are a daily struggle in the concrete jungle. Plagued by investigations and obligations to illegal interest, the governor must accept bribes in order to buy his second learjet. His family watches on as he becomes complicit in the ecological system of corruption.”


Dan Walker, for those wondering.

The next two governors, Big Jim Thompson and Jim Edgar, were never convicted of anything. Edgar was followed by George Ryan, who served five years for corruption. Ryan was succeeded by Rod Blagojevich, who’s currently serving fourteen years for corruption. The last governor, Pat Quinn, hasn’t been convicted of anything. Current governor Bruce Rauner hasn’t been convicted either, but he’s only been governor for a year, so he’s got time.

That’s three out of the past six Illinois governors who were convicted of corruption after leaving office.


Because it is what they do… Lookit how they reacted to every perceived lack of patriotic display by Olympic women.


So basically,
RE: the truth: Trump during debate == DoS, /r/The_Donald during the post-debate online polls == DDoS,


But the thing is, he doesn’t.

This tweet is still on his site as of right now, days later!


During the debate people were trying to retweet that one and it was saying it was deleted…

Maybe someone photoshopped that?

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It’s my understanding that the ‘tweet not found’ originated on a parody account.


That was photoshopped and the person who did it has now deleted their account.


For a second there, I thought you had meant to say <a href=“"target=”_blank">Paul Wellstone. That’s a guy who died far too soon, and could’ve carried the Social Democrat torch for Sanders in 2020.


I miss that man more now than ever.

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I wish I could find the exact quote and only heard about it secondhand but Paul Wellstone said that it’s sad that if you have money everyone wants to help you but if you’re poor no one wants to help you.

It’s a thought that keeps coming to mind in a campaign where the candidate who appeals most strongly to some of the poorest people in the country is one whose only experience with poverty is creating a lot of it.


To my knowledge, it wasn’t, but I’m not sure what the context is. Care to illuminate?

My mistake.

I thought that was what Trump offered Obama to release his birth certificate, but the $5M was later, and was asking for college and passport records.


Ahh, I’d forgotten just how shitty trump was. Sometimes it takes a moment for all that shittyness to load in memory. :slight_smile:


Sorry- the posts about shit are over here.


I thought of him, but I was never in a position to vote for him, never having lived in or near Minnesota. I never heard of him until I read Al Franken’s book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. And then I mourned him pretty deeply. Only the good die young, right?

As for Simon and Kucinich, they both dropped out of their respective Presidential races before the California primary, so I didn’t get to vote for them either. Come to think of it, same with Dean in 2004. Sanders was the first time I got to vote for my first-choice pick in the primary.