Anyone watching the US Presidential debate tonight?

She will never get strong gun control, even if she packs the Supreme Court. The idea is a boogeyman designed to sell guns and NRA memberships.

If gun control advocates were serious about pushing through gun bans, they would provide firearms to black communities. You start arming black communities and encouraging them to open carry, the GOP Congress would ban open carry and start a national registration database in five seconds.

Don’t believe me? Look up Mulford.


She did a masterful job. She pushed back a few times, showing she wasn’t a wimp, but most of the time she let him hang himself. Occasionally she would needle him, setting him off again with his interruptions and contradictions.

He started the debate with a comprehensibility level of roughly 64% Palin, but that quickly rose to peaks of 80% Palin and 90% Palin. At the very end I think he achieved a full Palin. I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about, anyway. Hillary patiently triggered this escalation of non intelligibility.

Needle-Interruption-Hillary “patiently” waiting - Trump hurts himself - repeat. She danced circles around him, but did it so gracefully and unobtrusively, many won’t notice what she did or understand it.

I wasnt a huge Hillary fan before this debate, but I am quite impressed.


I’m well aware that meaningful gun control is unachievable any time soon. It’s why I included her mentions. Plays to only some of her base, but poorly to too many US citizens. Black communities are already armed to the teeth, but open carry is the same as suicide by police in the same communities. Police pretty much have all the gun control they want or need in order to keep their consequence-free killing spree going.


His mouth is perpetually out of context.


4D chess


That’s because people are good with The Cyber.


I think it would be naive to assume that /r/pol and /r/The_Donald wouldn’t have found their way to this poll…





That was a solid zinger when Hillary dropped “we all know you live in your own little reality” (morning after paraphrase…)


Some amazing highlights from The Donald:
• Declared that not paying taxes makes him “smart”.
• Gloated that taking advantage of the housing collapse was “just business”.
• When called racist by Hillary for both his birther claims and for refusing to rent properties to black people in the 70s – which he was sued for, twice – Trump didn’t deny it, but instead just said that those cases were settled out of court “without admission of guilt” (as if that’s a good thing?)
• His defense when confronted with the fact that he supported invading Iraq: he claimed repeatedly that he objected to the invasion in a private call with Sean Hannity and that people should “call Sean Hannity!”
• Why did he call Rosie O’Donnell a pig? “She deserved it, and I think most people would agree.”
• Why did he change his mind on birtherism? “The African American people know I did a good thing by getting Obama to release his birth certificate, I did a service to Obama.”
• When asked about racial healing and what he would say to African Americans, his response: “I say nothing. I say nothing.”


And later denied that he’d said that. It’s probably too much to hope that those two moments will be cut together into a Hillary campaign ad but I hope someone out there who’s good with The Cyber splices them together.


Hot take via the Guardian that I hadn’t considered:

Asian shares recovered and the Mexican peso surged on Tuesday as
investors seemed to award the first US presidential debate to Clinton
over Trump, Reuters reports:


I appreciated the moment after Trump indicated that it was OK with him if China blew up North Korea and that Japan, China, and Korea should pay us a whole lot of money for playing policeman, and Hillary just looked at the camera and said she wanted to assure our Asian partners that despite what the dipshit to her right is saying, America respects them and our treaties, and they shouldn’t be nervous. It was her “look, this is being a President” moment.


I hope those poor fact-checkers get to sleep in this morning. That must have been one hell of a grueling night.


Bush the Greater negotiated the agreement, and signed the treaty, but W. Clinton signed it into law. They’re both at fault!


The transcripts are up now. It’s even more surreal in print.


Well if your 10 year old can’t do cyber, who can?


There’s this 400lb guy in my basement…


You got it covered then.


Debate Prep Session, Trump Tower Penthouse

Trump: Get me my son. The short one, quiet, good with computers.
Aide: You mean Barron?
Trump: That’s the one.

Barron: Yes, father?
Trump: You’re good with the cyber, right? What can we do to stop these ISIS bastards?
Barron: I don’t think anyone has used the word “cyber” since before I was born.
Trump: Got it. Unsolvable problem. Scram.