AOC backs Biden

Sorry, I’m not really picking up what you’re putting down here. What were you responding to in my post?

Season 2 Lol GIF by Insecure on HBO

I mean, have you observed Joe Biden at all during his presidency? What ego?

But even that is presumptive. All of your assertions and even questions are presumptive that there’s something wrong with him. Dancing around it rhetorically or not, you are making that fundamental assumption. That’s the problem.

The raw condescension?


… this whole discourse is broken

If Biden’s campaign is fucking up, then Biden is fucking up — there’s nobody else to blame it on

Not hiring fuck-ups, and replacing people who fuck up, is his whole job, in the White House and in his re-election campaign :roll_eyes:

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No, it’s WORSE, because of the recent SCOTUS decision that would hand Trump UNFETTERED POWER… PEOPLE WILL DIE. Do you GET that… people WILL die if Biden LOSES. The country is DONE. DEAD. We will LIVE in a fascist state. You DO get that, right? Maybe Democrats need to put on their big boy/girl pants, suck up their concerns, and do the work to make SURE Trump does not get back into office, rather than keeping on with this ridiculous argument that he could be replaced so close to the election.

No is attacking YOU. We’re fucking scare out of our minds what will happen to people we love and care for. Some of us have friends and family who will be direct victims. There are people here who WILL be a direct victim. It’s utterly frustrating that so many people keep acting like they have no agency here, that they can’t make choices, like they can’t help in getting Biden elected. It’s on US, no one else. We are the ones who must push back against the fascist threat. Because they ARE going to come for many of us.

Neither does pretending like the choice isn’t Biden or Trump. :woman_shrugging:

No shit. The GOP and the fascists are laughing with glee at this debate over whether Biden should be replaced. They see it as weakness and they are ready to carry out their plans to put all of us who aren’t them in our “places”…

Can we stop pretending like the media is just reporting facts rather than shaping the narrative here? We DO see what’s going on there, right? If the media refuses to carry Biden’s message and instead carries only the hand-wringing over his debate performance, with no actual nuance on whta happened.


Almost as if someone were sick. And in any normal job could have stayed home from work. But you can’t here.


Never meant to be condescending, but maybe I’m just too exhausted with the venom being spat in these conversations to hide my frustration at the whole thing.


Oh My God Omg GIF

But… but… a president NEEDS to be tip-top shape 100% of the time! Everyone knows that! After all, he does EVERYTHING himself!!! /s

Well, you were.

Some people are exhausted with one political party calling for their deaths…


And if he gets sick - there’s no one who can fill in for him.

And Joe Biden is such a megalomaniac that he would never give up power.

Side note: We’ve already had a woman of color as Acting President. Cool. Twice- because Joe Biden was able to see when he might not be able to fulfill his duties and transferred power. That should say something about him.


on this i agree with you. i felt the same way. i couldn’t help feel like we were so totally screwed.

but we do have quite a lot more. we have his performance in office. ( not to mention his speeches and interviews. ) and that’s what matters to me.

at the same time, i knew that how his debate performance would play out afterwards. and that’s what was making me sick.

this aftermath wasn’t inevitable. it’s just we’ve all seen this before. things like “mondale dukakis in a tank”, the “dean scream”, etc. things that absolutely don’t matter in any factual way, it’s just that we’re told that they should matter. and it’s always with people center and left.

it makes me want to scream. the last four years have been way better than expected. and there’s no reason not to want four more of the same. ( except for the on-going genocide in gaza. less of that please. )

( eta: the correct person’s name. thanks @danimagoo )


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The time to do that was before November 2023, 8 months ago. Not in the last 2 weeks.

He didn’t even have to step aside, anyone could have run against him in the primaries. Just like Marianne Williamson and Dean Philips did.

Yup, for months now, this has been the choice. No matter how many stories or social media posts suggest there is some other option, they’ll all just fantasies.

The choice is Biden or loosing. There’s nothing else.

A lot of people seem to be arguing for loosing wrapped up in some magical candidate switch theory. Plus a few “they’re all the same, just burn it all down” types for extra spice.


I’m sure we’d ALL love better choices. I know I would. But I’m not willing to risk the lives of those I love and make the world worse off because of that. I’m really sorry that the world sucks right now, and we have so little options. But if we want better options, throwing the election to the fascist candidate won’t help that… it will make the climb out that much harder.


I had a talking head on my teevee today basically saying that the primaries weren’t real because others didn’t run in them.

I nearly threw something at the tv. So you’re saying if the election didn’t turn out the way you like it was a fake election? Maybe you’re setting up a slate of alternate delegates? Just to be safe.


I think he’s saying that there was a primary, and that Biden defeated those candidates, though…


Yes. I’m just anticipating the next gambit.

Also - that shit was on my tv and made me angry.


Surprised GIF by ION

That’s our Kathy! always 10 steps ahead of the haters and gators!!! :laughing:

Preach GIF


Minor correction: that was Dukakis. I don’t think Mondale had a moment that had anything to do with him. There was the debate moment where Reagan turned the questions about his age around and made a joke about his opponent’s “youth and inexperience”. It got a huge laugh, and I think Mondale later said that’s when he knew it was over, but that wasn’t because of anything Mondale did or didn’t do.


Now it’s odd to think that “old man” Reagan was 69 when he was elected President.


Sigh. Once again his polling numbers have barely moved, and nothing about that spectacle was a “debate” so please stop calling it that.

The only reason we’re still talking about this versus pretty much anything else going on in the world right now that is worthy of our attention is that the MSM simply can’t stop talking about it because it’s great for ratings and page views.

Right? It’s almost all C and D level House members and one Senator I’ve never heard of. No high profile congresspeople, governors, or anybody else has said anything disparaging.

Yes, this is just baffling. Trump got praised when he stuck to the teleprompter FFS. The White House has speech writers for a reason. I guess Biden sucks now because he can’t recite an entire speech from memory?

I couldn’t have said it any better. We need a unified front because the alternative is certain doom.

People laughed and said of the first Trump presidency that it “wouldn’t be that bad” that he’d rise to the challenge and be “presidential” yet it was in every way so much worse than I could have ever imagined. Many of his most outrageous acts were only thwarted because of the mistakes he made early on and the broader Republican Party wasn’t yet fully transformed into what it is now.

A second term would have a completely compliant Congress, a Supreme Court in his thrall, and a cabinet filled with the most obsequious of sycophants. You’d have a president that learned from his mistakes and would do whatever he wanted with impunity knowing there would be zero consequences.