AOC backs Biden

Yep. Although he was 4 years older in that Mondale debate. Here’s the moment, if anyone is unfamiliar.



Everyone needs to back Biden and every Democrat in every way they can. Let us get that blue tsunami and take both the executive branch and Congress. Save ourselves from a fascist state. Then we do the other work. We ram through every protection possible for voting rights and every proven way to increase engagement. Break the unjust hold the GOP has using voter suppression and gerrymandering jackassery. Make sure they can’t do this minority rule shit ever again. If we are lucky, the GOP fractures forever.
We take the progress Biden has made and push for more. Increase the size of SCOTUS, impeach the corrupt justices. We make it so we have a stronger democracy that protects everyone. And the entire time we keep pushing for more politicians further left. Better public education so kids grow up informed and encouraged to participate.

But first we have to defeat the threat to our country.

The house is on fire, folks. Arguing about the kitchen remodel has simply got to wait.


Trump doesn’t learn from his mistakes, and his brain is turning to snot.

The people trying to work through Trump do learn however. Rather than trying to use advisors that might have Trump’s fickle ear, they’ll install a network of functionaries under him (Project 2025), who’ll give Trump what he wants, but mostly they’ll be working for far-right billionaires and Christian Nationalists.


No. I think AOC looks committed to the cause.

Of course both 45 and Bien look tired; they are both old.


Hell, I’m fucking tired. I often feel like these last 8 years have aged me at least double that.


Well, they did show a dip in support for Il Douche. I still don’t trust them, but if this means something, then so be it.


CNN Breaking News…

George Clooney just called for Biden to step down.

Screw CNN and Clooney.


I hate this line. I just don’t get what you think you’re arguing. Do you really think that people here don’t see the stakes? That’s why they’re arguing!

The question here is solely about who has the best chance of beating Trump, and staving off the worst. You get that, everyone else gets that. We know.

People can have different opinions on what the best strategy is. That’s a reasonable argument to have. Nobody here is certain about what the best strategy is, however confident they are.

But it’s freaking insulting to keep phrasing this as one side understands the true historic stakes, and the other side is fucking around for a laugh.


Wait, what? Is that a real thing?

And why would Clooney’s opinions on presidential elections be any more valuable than Biden’s opinions on which Oscar worthy projects to pursue?

Fuck CNN for even reporting on this BS.


Except that’s exactly what it is. People who think anyone but Biden has the best chance of winning in November are ignoring history and not listening to the experts, like little children going “LaLaLaLa, I’m not listening to you!”

Grow Up Movie GIF by filmeditor


“The experts” are whoever you choose to believe. There are lots of intelligent, serious people with a long history of work in politics arguing both sides of this issue.


No. The experts are actual experts. George fucking Clooney isn’t an expert. Mark Warner isn’t an expert. No one at CNN, the NYT or WaPo are experts. They are active participants. They have direct conflicts of interest.

Who would you consider an “expert” who has said that Biden should step down?

Moone Boy Waiting GIF by HULU

ETA, because this jumps out at me:

Are you serious about this? That has to be the most MAGA cult thing anyone has said in this thread. Experts are experts. Journalists aren’t experts. Celebrities aren’t experts competing politicians aren’t experts.

Picking and choosing who gets to be an expert based on who agrees with your gut feeling is how we get climate change denial, anti-vax, flat earth, etc.


If polls mean anything (which is highly debatable) the only one hurt with the voters by their debate performance was Trump. The talking heads are all over themselves to cry “crisis” because it draws views, engagement, etc. Throwing the Democratic Party into chaos shortly before the election, voiding the millions of primary votes cast, installing some unspecified someone as the Dem nominee, would only help Il Douche and his merry band of fascists. No thank you, not interested. Biden has 3+ years of actual, concrete accomplishments to run on. I’ll take that. I am not necessarily voting for him alone, but for the team he put together, which has done far more than any of us (I suspect) expected them to. I am voting for not-Trump, for obvious reasons. This is how it is, because this in how our system is set up. I would rather we had another, but we don’t. Forward, march and all.


Meanwhile, everyone who has been named as a replacement has said “no” or otherwise doubled down on their support for Biden.

Maybe we should listen to them?


I hear that Bernie is available.

Runs away quickly.


Certainty is comforting, uncharted waters are terrifying. Nobody likes admitting that they might not be sure what the optimal course is and that what they might have been extremely confident of a month ago might not be true any longer. So, doubling down and tripling down and accusing others of not being smart/decent enough to understand how right they are makes sense. We’re in the scariest time a lot of people can personally remember, so I get it.

I think if Biden can make a strong, repeated showings in the next month that he’s up to the job of being a candidate, then he should stay in and probably offers the best opportunity to win. But only he and his close advisors know whether he’s up to that at this point, and if they roll those dice knowing that the chances are not great and another episode like the debate (or worse) happens, then I doubt history will look kindly on their decision and good luck to us all.


We are where we are. Biden is the only person running against Trump at the moment, so I support him. If the PTB select another Dem, I will vote for that Dem. Until then, Biden is our guy. TRUMP MUST BE DEFEATED. That’s all that’s important now. It’s as simple as that.

Think of it this way: you go into a fast food joint jonesing for a milk shake. All they have on the menu is vanilla and dog shit. You wish they had strawberry, or maybe a seasonal option. But you’re stuck with the two options. Not a hard choice then, is it? In four years, there’ll be 10-20 fun choices, but right now, it’s vanilla or dog shit.


I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF


Ok but if you feel that way then surely you understand WHY someone like me thinks this literally means obliterating the noise from your channel because I don’t need more vibe check opinions from people who threaten me with the privilege of using other people’s violence against me.

Which is exactly how it comes across to say:

Bad ideas suck up too much oxygen from the room. Bad ideas backed by people who don’t see what is wrong with this kind of thinking even more so. It’s hard to engage with someone who hasn’t done the work to see foundational problems in their thinking or doesn’t understand how to vet information well enough to do the work if they aren’t willing to accept that they may simply actually be wrong themselves. If that’s not the problem what is? I’m assuming it’s a phrasing issue here but maybe it’s shocking that people experience contempt, fear, and hatred towards those who threaten them. Maybe you need that spelled out?

I am unconvinced by your argument and the burden of proof is ON YOU to support your claim that the Democratic party can sub in someone and win.

Until you can support that claim I am unconvinced both by the arguments in favor of this action I have witnessed on this subject here and elsewhere as well as unconvinced that this idea is founded on anything but panic and unchecked egoism in the human population.

I am so unconvinced that I am actually sickened to hear about it because it is a distraction at best.

But I’m just an ai so what do I know.