AOC backs Biden

They cannot do that. I think you’re making the jump from “next in line of presidential succession” to VP, but they are definitely not the same thing.


I’m working along from the notion that the GOP Congress blocks any Democratic party selection for VP, and then push Trump ahead into the possible loophole vacuum from Speaker.

I agree, and am thankful, that this path becomes increasingly rarified and more far-fetched.

I’m definitely holding to technical details of your wording, but it is an important detail. Congress cannot make T**** the VP. Period. The Speaker of the House is not the VP, even when there is no VP currently.


I switched over to classic TV about 10 minutes into the debate because it was obvious it wasn’t going well.

I read some of the reviews and recaps and thought, okay, bad day, go back to being a great president and he did.

My gosh, people are allowed bad days, the democrats should have acknowledged the poor performance and then got back to all the accomplishments and the work that still needs to be done.

What they heck is wrong with the democrats? Do they want to hand the other guy the presidency?


Ah yes, let’s just forget about 2020 and let the media’s pearl clutching drive the narrative, AGAIN… :roll_eyes:


Fair enough : )

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Why no; AOC looks springtime fresh.


A cup of misogyny and and cup of racism. Mix in a heap of capitalism (gotta get those clicks because real reporting doesn’t pay), couple of teaspoons of toxic masculinity (Mr. Harris as first-spouse, just shocking), bake at 350 in the oven of the 24-hour news cycle, and we have a manufactured crisis.

Harris was fine for certain people as second fiddle but the revelation she might actually be President has those people clutching their pearls. They want a new candidate who is whiter and cis-gender male and the pundits and media want the engagement.

Replacing Biden would be a disaster. Not just because it would thwart the will of the primary voters and the fight for nomination would tear the party apart but it is too late to get anyone else on the ballot in far too many places. Where was all this wailing gnashing of teeth when the decision was made a year ago?


Christ, the bad faith arguments and infighting in these comments is disheartening.

No one on the left wants Trump to win. Every suggestion comes from a desire for democracy to survive this upcoming election. Regardless of if someone wants Biden to step up or step aside, anyone talking about this seriously plans to vote for the Democratic candidate regardless of who it is.

Personally, I think there was a window where Biden could have stepped aside after the last debate, but he slammed that window shut with his public remarks and the letter his aides sent to congressional Democrats. The primaries are all over, and delegates are pledged to Biden. The only person that can decide that Biden is dropping out is him, so that’s that.


Come On GIF by GIPHY News


Even if it weren’t too late to really switch in another candidate, the most probable win scenario approach is still for Biden to run. If he doesn’t feel up to it, if he’s stumbling and not energetic enough to ‘win the debates,’ he’s still the best chance as incumbent, and he could solidify that by stating explicitly he’s going to handing more and more duties over to the VP, and may even step down one day after 2 years into his second term if his health so dictates, ensuring his VP can still run twice for office, and have not just 8 years potentially in office, but one day short of 10. 22nd Amendment for the win:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.


:man_shrugging: I honestly don’t blame her.

Have you seen the media lately?

That type of statement would create thousands of articles and likely a loss.

He can win because there’s only one democrat candidate that has already beaten Trump in a presidential election.

If everyone who voted in 2020 comes out and votes again exactly the same way, same result. Obviously, there’s new voters too, and old voters that are gone. But, in the swing there, I’m betting there are net more switching to Biden than the reverse.


I probably should have used my words along with the “Don’t you think she looks tired” image. For clarity, I think that’s what’s being done to Biden currently with the mainstream media coverage.


If you follow the money, all of the media outlets pushing the narrative are big time trump donors. The people really running with this are the people who wanted a different candidate last year but could get their shit together enough to field one. “Oh goody!” they are crying, “now we can get our unicorn on the ballot and soon we will have our utopia!” They ignore the realities of financing a campaign and getting a candidate on the ballot and everything. Hysteria is a good way to get folks riled up-and it doesn’t need more than a molecule of fact to grow around. Stop buying into the story the gop is pushing.


unicorns on a brick road paved with bodies.

mass deportations, a president who thinks he can command the national guard and rank and file police, the military active on us soil.

really, nothing about it sounded good. it did sound sincere, which is terrifying.


On the contrary I think many of them would prefer to see her run against Trump instead of Biden. I think she is easily the best option of the three.


The American public doesn’t seem to understand how the office of the President works; the President is only one of a huge team of people that set policy and make decisions regarding how the various departments of the government work on behalf of the citizens.
There is a Vice President plus all the members of the Cabinet that keep the nation functioning. The public already knows the accomplishments of this Biden team. The public will be voting on the team as well.
dRumpf hasn’t even decided who is going to be his VP candidate and will only select bottom feeders for his cabinet because nobody else wants to work with him, fumbling self centered figurehead that he is.


She already is…


Apparently we’ve learned nothing from 2016.