Arizona school teacher suspended for wearing a devil costume to school

He’s looking for legal representation to challenge the suspension but hasn’t yet found a Devil’s Advocate.


Joke Drums GIF by Bax Music


Even goats?

Goat GIF by Bad Pug


NO! Not all. Just the one, though, from The Witch. “Black Philip”. That one creeped me out.


It’s like they’re saying, “Uh huh, yeah, keep lookin’, we know we’re fine…”


Well yeah… they are! Also, Stayin’ Alive plays in my head when I see that gif…


Yeah, this is a pet peeve of mine, actually. I’ve had a few times in my life when I asked someone to stop doing something and they don’t because they think it’s funny or harmless or whatever, and I get really pissed. I actually broke up with a girlfriend once because of this. I do not like being tickled. At all. She tickled me. I asked her to stop. She kept doing it. I then told her to stop. She kept going. I then screamed at her to stop. And that was the end of that relationship. Bottom line: don’t be a dick. If someone asks you to stop doing something to them, then stop doing it.


There’s a fine line for a teacher to be “fun” to “feeling picked on”.

In 5th grade there were two teachers, and one was known as the “fun” one. While I didn’t have her as my main teacher, when the class split/switched rooms for English based on your placement, I had her. I remember her doing things like spilling water on me. I am sure at the time she was being the “fun” one, but it honestly didn’t feel fun for me. At some point this got out that her antics bothered me and she never did anything else to me again.

So, totally fine with costume (other than it was very low effort. Boo.) but if a kid asks you to not do something, even something you’re clearly doing in jest, then you need to stop.

I don’t think he should be fired over it, though.


I’m almost always on the side of the devil, but yeah – I kind of agree. Assuming this happened even remotely the way its as described, the teacher was being a jerk.


So much off comment’s?

i bet they have seen too much dressage.

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When I was in public school, the idea that I had agency to tell a teacher to stop doing something annoying never entered my mind.

It is good that we have progressed from there. But have we? It seems like this kid only got his way because he had the backing of the loud majority culture warriors.


… the teacher would have culture-jammed more effectively if he recited the Pledge of Allegiance while blessing the students with the pitchfork :thinking:


At first I thought it was someone getting a little too much into school spirt at ASU (whose mascot is a devil), but on finding out that it was Mesa Public Schools I kinda face palmed a bit.


Imagine for a moment, a teacher dressing up as a Nazi for Halloween and greeting his children with a “Heil Hitler” salute. This would never be as giddily embraced as much as a teacher pointing a Satanic pitchfork at a Christian child commanding, over and over again, “Heil, Satan”. I’m an adult. I get it. But if he had just let the kid alone, it seems as if everyone would have had a better day.

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Marketing I Cant Even GIF by Similarweb


Comedy Now Streaming GIF by PeacockTV

Unless you really think there are actual malevolent Satanists openly going around in the same way as there are actual Nazis running around. In which case… I don’t know what to tell you. Tinfoil goes shiny side out, maybe?


Are we counting thoughts and prayers? Because the imaginary number of Satan cults far outnumbers the real number of Nazis. Like the child pedo rings run out of pizza parlors it’s easy to build imaginary bugaboos and close your eyes to the Jim Jordan’s in your own in group.


would it help if i shaved? :slight_smile:


I guess that kid should be selective of where he goes to college…

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