As anti-Semitic bomb threats continue, ADL office evacuated in San Francisco

This may be true, but there’s still a fundamental insecurity that children can’t help but feel (and their parents as well). My kid’s JCC was one of the ones who also received a bomb threat. My immediate response was fury. This is a really nice community center used by people of all races and faiths (and shared freely by the Jewish community that pays for it). To be short, it’s a model of what the USA should be.

This is terrorism pure and simple. Even if no centers have been burned down or blown up (yet), this is what happens when the coward in chief emboldens the shitty part of our society, and the scum crawls out from under their rocks.

We’re all for fighting terrorism on foreign soil, and making big fake shows at our airports. How about we do some work here at home? (assuming domestic origin for this, if international, then well… isn’t that what we use drones and extrajudicial kidnapping/assassination for? /s )



Exactly! Even if you know that there’s not likely a bomb. Even if you know that the people making threats are largely impotent cowards. Even if the reality is that much of this is just activated hateful rhetoric, it’s still terrorizing on a base level. When there’s even a smallest chance of the safety of infants and innocents being compromised, it is terrifying on some fundamental level.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a JCC, or a synagogue, or a mosque, or a black church, or whatthefuckever.

And the really frustrating part for me is that this is honestly all so petty. So you hate Jews for some imagined conspiracy that makes you feel better about not achieving whatever. So? I hate assholes who risk other people’s safety by speeding and swerving across multiple lanes on the freeway. I don’t track them down and call bomb threats to their work/church/schools. I honestly just hope that they make it to wherever they’re going safely, and especially don’t hurt anyone else in the process.

I don’t care who you are, but you’re an idiot if you don’t realize that we’re all in this together, and it’s a giant cooperative effort.


Exactly. Because someone is telling you, “Remember: we’re watching you. And we could do something horrible whenever we want.” Even if they never “do something,” that’s got to fuck with your sense of security, safety, and belonging.


Please dont take this as making light of what is going on in the US, but Jews outside the US are most often concerned with local things, both good and bad.

Sad but true in the West.

Right but otoh, what @Abaronofsky 's wife said to the kids can keep them calm in a situation where panic does not help things at all.

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You misspelled Judea & Samaria but its a common error. As for trying to link attacks on Jews to some soviet era anti-Judaic propaganda, why?

There you go, linking Zionism with being pro-Jewish.

I’m not even doggedly anti-retaliation. But we have had the discussion about the settlers and you know there is no argument I can make so why revisit it? So instead I’ll ask what are your plans for Purim? Do you have kids? I may do a show at the community center, we’ll see.


We’ll swing by Chabad for the party. Unfortunately we don’t have kids but I love seeing the kids of the Tokyo Jewish community having fun!


I don’t drink, but I love having an excuse to eat cookies and make noise and encourage kids to be a little naughty.


I’ll drink on Purim but not get blind drunk


“Muhammad Mosque”? Yeah, seems legit.

It’s hard to make a shitty image even shittier, but they succeeded.

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True. Also, these were older kids, and the danger, such as it was, had already passed.

Small world. My old roommate grew up in the Tokyo Jewish community.

How long ago? Rabbi Tokayer’s time or after that?

Not sure. This would have been the early 1980s.

OK, wouldnt have been Tokayer he was earlier

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Keep in mind that that guy was responsible for less than 10% of the bomb threats.


Roger that. It’s a start.


Prepare for the backlash, guys.

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