As Trump takes Nevada, Republicans face facts

The sad thing is that Trump has the second best foreign policy position, after Sanders. (That’s not at all to say that he really has any actual policy, just a position). Whatever else you can say about Trump, he hasn’t drank the koolaid about US foreign policy.

Contrast that with the presumed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who has been an enthusiastic supporter of any and all GWOT efforts. Despite the media gloss, her tenure at State was D-neocon, and her proteges Samantha Power and Susan Rice have pushed Very Stupid policies from Ukraine to Syria.

Truly, Clinton is the stealth R candidate hiding behind the Overton Window.


Nicely phrased.


I am SHOCKED SHOCKED SHOCKED to find a Republican duckspeaker / spokesthing blaming someone else for Republicanism.


No one will win here or there.

We’re fucked, America.


I’m giggling at folks who say they’d expatriate if Trump wins, I remember the same litany from previous elections and it came to nothing.

This isn’t to say I like trump at all


Trump has huge appeal to a large class of undecided/independent voters and a good amount of minority voters. Don’t underestimate him. Trump is a direct reaction to how badly the Democrats (and Republicans) have fucked things up by shitting all over the working class for decades. To many of his supporters, his policies don’t even matter, it’s what he stands for, and he is going to go far in the general since he can toss all the vote-losing policies and adopt whichever will win him the general without his followers giving a shit, and in fact they’ll probably eat it up if he flips off the RNC as the nominee.

He is going to go full populist, and the Democrats have a serious chance of losing, and it’s their own damned fault. Trump started this campaign with 80% of the Republican primary base saying they’d never vote for him, and he’s flipped those favourability ratings right around. He’s going to do it again in the general.


Maybe not everybody could stomach listening to his Nevada victory speech, but I was listening to the radio and caught a snippet.

“I love the poorly educated!” Yeah . . .


Here’s a cheery view of Trump supporters.


Taibbi seems to agree. This is a great read:


Greetings from Canada!


He said from the safety of Japan. :smiley_cat:



I ended up staying here by circumstance not by choice. I still vote in US elections. Anyway we have local politicians who want Japan to become the 51st state. We already host more US troops than most any current state so why not?

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Did you renounce citizenship or just move?

I’m a little annoyed that media/writes/webpages/blah blah keep saying things like “Republicans don’t want Trump” or “How will Republicans stop Trump.”

The Republican power elite may not like him, but clearly the Republican PRIMARY VOTERS like him, and by a good margin. And unlike Hillary (if you believe she’s winning, as many newspapers claim), he’s not winning by coin tosses and super delegate fuzzy math. He’s winning bc more Republican primary voters are voting for him than the other guys. Why is this portrayed as if he’s some non-republican winning by accident?

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Because he isn’t a Republucan. Basically he’s taking the conservative position that “government is bad”, and rightly pointing out that elected Republicans are part of the government.

Basically, it’s like 35% of the Republican base woke up and realized they hated the Republican Party as much as the rest of blue America did, only rather than go with another politician, they decided to back a pro-wrestler.

I mean, it’s really kind of Punk, when you think about it. Here we are talking about left and right, and these people are like, “Fuck it, let’s watch it burn.”


Reading that article, I’m thinking Bernie should start making waves and getting attention by tentatively agreeing with some of the madcap insanity that pours out of Trump’s mouth.

Okay, maybe a risky move…:slight_smile:


No. I don’t think so.

In a US Presidential election, unless you live in Ohio, or Florida, or Virginia, or 4-5 other states, your vote does not matter.