As Trump takes Nevada, Republicans face facts

They’ve created a golem.

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That’s okay. It’s just that everyone from the bbs in the U.S. may show up in 2016 and ask to crash on your spare futon.


Pretty sure my wife would have something to say about that.


They nonetheless contribute to Mr. Trump’s media presence. And aside from that, why are celebrities behaving badly the purview of sites like BoingBoing? Apart from the initial newsworthiness of the sort-of-unbelievable fact that he has been successful, the rest of it seems more suited to sites like TMZ. How many times can we be shocked that Trump says/does something ignorant/disgusting…

Edit: Sounds like I am disagreeing with you, I’m not, you are not wrong. Was just explaining myself a little.

There’s actually a really good reason that 4Chan loves Trump - he’s a massive troll. He’s upsetting the apple cart, and if there’s one thing that trolls love, it’s to watch people shaking in apoplectic rage. Trump is The Great Ragebringer. He has elevated IDGAF to an artform.

That being said, he’d be an utterly disastrous president - but some men just want to watch the world burn.


Because where would angry Republicans move? Australia, with its gun control and health care? Canada, with its gun control and health care? Ireland, with its gun control and health care? Somalia with it’s gun freedom and libertarian paradise pirates? Iran with its religious mandate to control the political side?

All the stuff that made them really angry about the US getting other countries have had for decades or are shitty countries. If I was to move to any of those countries with gun control and health care I’d be thrilled, but I’m content to stay here and bring us up to speed with the rest of the world.

Fuck Trump and his policies, that’s not the US I know and love and I’m willing to stay and vote against whatever until we come around.


What if we promise to take our shoes off?


Thats the spirit! Never let it be said “I bet you vote next time hippie” to you.


I vote so I get to act superior around those who only complain.


I only vote in countries I don’t live in.

That way I can complain over here, and vote how I like over there without needing to worry about pragmatism or wasting my vote.


Although I admire the romanticism, it looks less punk and more pitchfork mob. I have no sympathy for Trump supporters/Tea Party/Fox news dolts etc… They are choosing to remain ignorant, and allowing themselves to be used as tools of the powerful. It gets no less punk than that. Punk (to me) is DIY, being resilient, striving always for awareness and truth, resisting injustice, educating yourself, etc…


Hey, maybe the more bigoted Trump supporters should join the punk movement. If only to get said bigotry beaten out of them…

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To be fair to Clinton, she only supports wars until they have been proven to be bad ideas in hindsight.

More generally on topic, if the Republican leadership really believes that the anti-Trump vote is larger than the Trump vote, it’s probably time to blackmail Kasich, buy off Cruz and assassinate Carson (blame Obama). They are running out of time to relevantly test their theory.


Here’s some niceness for your day:

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Jeebus, the very definition of lap dogs.

And MSNBC is supposed to be the “liberal” corporate news outlet. As if! Also, as if FOX would let anyone on the left run a platform like that show on their network.


Couldn’t happen to a nice bunch of people

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My only quibble is I can’t think of a single minority group he hasn’t insulted yet. He seems to be going out of his way to say out loud all the racist subtext that the GOP usually liked to keep in “dogwhistle” language. Even to the point of getting endorsements from out and out white supremacist groups. I can’t see how too many independent or undecided voters are going to latch on to Trump except in a “this will teach those guys a lesson” kind of hate-voting.

I always get the sneaking suspicion he is just playing an elaborate practical joke on the GOP. Essentially taking all their nastiest rhetoric that is usually under the surface and airing it in public. Like if Andy Kaufman ran for president.

My big worry for the Democrats is that Hillary can be too imperious and condescending for her own good and Sanders comes off like someone’s crotchety great uncle.


Actually, until 8 or 10 years ago, a libertarian/anarchist website was holding it up as a success story. The Wikipedia article about Somalia was a real number back then (as was its talk page).


Honduras is the new libertarian paradise:

Libertarians not only built the dystopian nightmare in Uruguay, but designed and run it: