As Trump takes Nevada, Republicans face facts

That is great and terrible. Sigh.


Let’s not be too hard on Honduras. Their murder rate in 2013 was down like 8% from the previous year. It may still have been over 18 times the US murder rate, but nobody’s perfect.


Actually, I instinctively know you are right.

Keeping with the metaphor, I suppose that Trump is pedaling a whitewashed, middle class, Hot Topic version of Punk, full of sound and fury, but meaning nothing.


Where are you getting Uruguay? Isn’t it in Honduras?


Yes it’s Honduras. I’ve been looking at bird pics in Uruguay and my brain started to mush.


Be careful: a mushy brain is the first stage of starting to think that Trump is the perfect candidate!


Didn’t Uruguay have the anti-Trump president?


I would have in 2005 if I’d had the money. Still don’t. The kind of people who say they will and don’t are usually the sort who have the money to do it. The money you need to leave is very similar to the money you need not to care enough to actually do it.

(Or at least that seems to be the underlying factor. I’m open to other possibilities.)

To the extent that the Democrats decided to cave to the Republicans and give everyone what they said they wanted “but nicer about it,” sure. To the extent that Democrats lost their own message and started pandering to an imaginary middle ground instead of getting people excited about their own message yeah, yeah.

(Imaginary in the sense that the “undecided” are all imagined to be basically Republican but persuadable. Make a compelling, passionate argument! Win some of the undecided your direction! Instead of trying to bore them your way.)

Not exactly screwing over the middle and lower classes in the way I think this is meant to imply, though.

As a Socialist, I personally would agree yes very much so screwing over the middle and lower classes. I don’t think the average American sees it that way though. Everyone but the unions thought NAFTA was NIFTY (at the time and yes this is a terrible joke in poor taste), for example.

The Democrats took a short sighted political stance and it’s clear we’ve all suffered for it. But we can hardly say we didn’t get exactly what we were asking for.

They never should have stopped being excited about their own position.

Personally love Hillary for that. But, yeah, as much as we all love it when 
 Sherlock Holmes does imperious, our culture kind of hates it when a woman does it.


Yup! I have friends who moved there for retirement and have only good things to say.

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@Ignatius @RatMan Moving elsewhere and renouncing citizenship (never mind getting a new one) are different problems with different risk/reward calculations

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I disagree with you just because /pol/, which these come from and where he is talked about the most, is notorious even within 4chan for being white supremacists. /pol/, like /v/ - which is of course famous for its love of women, is not well liked because it has a tendency to enter into other boards and talk about subjects like “why are middle eastern refugees raping so many people?” or “why do we allow to behave like they do instead of admitting the truth?” in hobby boards about D&D or movies or my little pony.

Trump appeals to those types for far more than just being a troll, his sexist and racist rhetoric actually appeals to these people. Of course, the trolling of other candidates and purposely making a mockery of the primary system also appeals for many of the same reasons it appeals to other people sick of other establishment types.

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We as a society deserve this, but I feel like I shouldn’t.


Is this the “would you assassinate a world leader?” question?


It seems like the perfect metaphor for the entire GOP primary, though it was Trump coming out against letting people die in the streets and Cruz/Rubio yelling at him.

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WTF? Now they’re all pro-Gaddafi?


If any of it made sense it wouldn’t be real. I believe this is the first debate in history where a candidate actually asked, “can someone attack me, please?” It may also be the first debate where a candidate began to discuss fruit salad when asked about SCOTUS nominations.


Maybe it’s not just the GOP, it’s everyone, and they really were right about the fluoride in the water.



May God have mercy on my soul