As Trump's racist regime takes power, FBI reports a surge in hate crimes against Muslims and others

Several people in this thread seem to have their head in the sand. This is really happening and you need to face up to it, do not normalise this crap. We saw the same thing in the UK after the EU referendum and we continue to see it, it’s now open season for scumbags everywhere.


Here’s a fresh one for anyone in denial who thinks this shit is make-believe:

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels.”

Well she capitalized the word “ape,” so I guess that’s something.

Also, posing nude is “classy & dignified?”

Duly noted.


it’s a world that’s giving you an opportunity to be a hero. what could be better? :wink:

That’s a great apology – bonus points for reminding us of her first amendment right to say whatever she’d like!!! Also she’d stand by your right to state your option about her and her observation, but don’t repost what she said. That’s … that’s a work of art right there that should be put up in the museum of apologies. Mel Gibson would be proud.


I can report anecdotally that there has been a rise in violence since Trump’s election, and I’m not just saying that because I was beat in public in Times Square around 2am Wednesday morning. Oh wait yes I am, and I think if this election tells us one thing, fuck the pollsters, and listen to your gut.


##Yes, Virginia; under the first amendment, you are free to be a bigot. You are also free to suffer the consequences of announcing that shit on FB, like a dumbass.


I can’t Like that post, and wish that there was a “:scream:” button instead.

That being said, she made the ultimate concession–by citing Free Speech, she said that the only thing that she could come up with in favor of her vileness is that it wasn’t actually illegal.


LOL your post expresses the sentiment I was expressing (verbally) in Times Square at about 2am Wednesday last week (very strange moment of reality, was like a scene out of a horror movie), which within moments led to a guy jumping me and beating my ass! I was sucker punched btw. Ribs are still healing.


It’s cool; I don’t need likes to know my contributions to the conversation are appreciated.

Since she wants to talk about physical appearances, I have no problem saying it’s my opinion that Pamela Ramsey Taylor is ugly, inside and out.


I can’t ‘like’ that. But I appreciate you posting it. :cry:

How was she supposed to know that calling an African American women an “ape in heels” might have slightly negative connotations? She was taken out of context! It’s political correctness run amok! Y’all can’t take a joke! You’re overly sensitive! Et cetera.


“How do statistics from 2015 indicate a “crime-wave” related to the 2016 election?”

They don’t. It’s very poor journalism, explicitly designed to deceive. The headline implies it is somehow a result of Trump winning the election, and yet, as you point out, the figures are for last year. There have been a number of terrorist attacks in the past year or two, and I would suggest that the hate crimes against Muslims are more correlated to that than Trump.

Don’t get me wrong. Trump is deeply unpleasant (I was a Bernie supporter) but this kind of angry conflating and misleading journalism is part of the problem, not the solution.

It’s probably not a good idea to play political games with hate crime figures, since you can pull very some nasty divisive conclusions from them. For example…

“Of the 5,493 known offenders, 48.4 percent were white, 24.3 percent were black or African-American”

Clearly white people have a lot to answer for then. They committed the most hate crimes after all. Wait a minute though, there are nearly six times more white people in the US than black people, which means that the figures for hate crime per person are massively higher for black people than white people. This must mean black people are much more racist than white people then right? If you additionally compare the figures for 2014 (52% white, 23.2% black), they show that white people are now committing less hate crimes and black people are committing more. If white people are committing less hate crimes, that must be due to the calming and rational influences of Donald Trump, right? :slight_smile: Maybe not.

Perhaps then it is unwise to conflate hate crime figures with people or political groups you don’t like, attempt to use them to score political points or try to read too many half-baked insights into them.


Not that I trust the agency, but cheap shots don’t lead to reform. (Pro tip: If you don’t want to get into specifics, bag on Comey. Dude’s an asshole.)

The headline of this BoingBoing article could not be more slanted or inappropriate.

These are FBI statistics from 2015, which indicate a rise from crimes in 2014. Anything could be contributing to this, including perhaps people’s anger at terrorism here in the States.

How does anger at terrorism cause a surge in hate crimes against minorities?

I mean, what’s the connection between terrorists and minorities…can you explain that?


next to no one is an actual terrorist, the group is clearly a minority


Just got an email from my daughter’s school dean that a swastika and the word Trump were painted on the side of one of the dorms at your university. It’s really freaking me out. Normally, it’d just be seen as a bad prank, but when the new president appoints a white supremacist as his new Chief Strategist it has a way more ominous tone.


The nation is heading towards full Godwin.


It took me a moment to parse!

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Step 3 is “Ask for more money to combat the surge in hate crimes from step 2.” So step 4 is literally PROFIT.