At least 10 dead in "racially motivated" Buffalo supermarket shooting

Agreed. There are states I wouldn’t set foot in. Since I don’t have relatives there, Texas would be one of them.

Something I hope doesn’t come to pass is that travelling to see the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles will be viewed a decade later in the same way going to the 1936 Berlin Games was. Unfortunately, a federal government controlled by fascists is a scenario we now have to consider and fight to prevent (a balkanised Ameristan scenario isn’t much better).

[Of course, I’d prefer that L.A. comes to its senses and backs out of the Faustian bargain they’ve made with the demons who run the IOC. However, such is the power of late-stage capitalism that mobilisation would now be harder to stop than the military ones in Europe in 1914.]


All the best.

When I see a St George’s Cross or Union Flag up around my neck of the woods, I always assume it signifies the presence of a racist.


Point Reaction GIF by Kathryn Dean


Jesus Christ, this Lawrence Jones is really gulping down the Fox kool-aid and passing it around.

I read the first 15 pages or so. The dude spells it out. He hates anyone not white/ethnically European. He hates Jews. He hates anyone supporting or aiding in the “great replacement”. He thinks non-whites are inferior based on some graphs he saw somewhere.

He literally says that the label of 'terrorist" would apply to him. He literally says he is a white supremacist.

He had racial epitaphs and names of other racist murderers on his rifle and a big old sonnenrad patch on his chest.

And goons like Lawrence Jones and other people aren’t confronting Tucker Carlson parroting replacement theory, but saying “Wut about that guy who plowed into the Christmas parade?” and “Wut about the Azov units Biden is funding?”


The day that Trump didn’t condemn Charlottesville was the day the right and Republicans gave up the appearance of rejecting white supremacy.


At least the NY Gov and the US President are calling this the proper term:

"Later on Saturday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said the suspect was a “white supremacist who has engaged in an act of terrorism”.

This was “a military style execution targeting people who simply wanted to buy groceries in a neighbourhood store,” she said while visiting Buffalo.

In a statement, US President Joe Biden said he and the First Lady were praying for the victims and their families.

“A racially-motivated hate crime is abhorrent to the very fabric of this nation,” he said. “We must do everything in our power to end hate-fuelled domestic terrorism.”


Though I note my local papers have not run either of these quotes, and i could not find them in the NY Times either.


I don’t know why he said the shooter “hated all people” when he then went on to to say “this was a racially motivated attack” (1:37 in the video) and “the community is majority black, that was his motivation” (2:35). The shooter clearly wasn’t targeting all people and Lawrence Jones knows it.


except that one of the frequent topics of conversation on those sites among white supremacist is tucker’s show. and as others have said, carlson’s team pulls from those sites for content

it’s become full circle at this point

( reposting a link from another thread )


If you want to blame Tucker and Fox news thats fine.
The 18 yr old shooter gave 4chan and the Christchurch Mosque Shooter the credit is all I am saying.

A 2019 Pew Research Center survey showed that among those who named Fox News as their main source for political news, 69% are aged 50 or older


He probably got a memo telling him to say that, to fit the headline they wanted.

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Oh, there’s more than enough culpability to go around; the killer actually pulled the trigger of the weapon, but he was triggered by hate-mongers who gleefully amplify the stochastic terrorism for profit. That includes Carlson & Fox “News.”


Yes thats my point spread the culpability don’t let the whole rage industrial complex off and only point to tucker and foxnews

i think they’re a key part of the problem. are you saying that they’re not contributing to this and they don’t have any responsibility here?

also what exactly does this have to do with the fact that carlson’s show is frequently the topic of discussion on the boards where the shooter hung out?

different age groups use media differently. that’s hardly a surprise


Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures


They are part of the problem, as they are mainstreaming white supremacist talking points. The replacement theory has become of staple of Carlson’s show. I’m guessing that the shooter probably found these more toxic places after watching fox news first.

Please stop dismissing the role the Fox news is playing in trying to establish an authoritarian state here.


No one here is doing that.

Absolutely they are; so deeply intertwined, it’s not even possible to ‘disentangle’ them.


Clearly that is what I think is happening.

but I am going to step out now as I don’t think my contributions to the discussion are helping and may be derailing it.

The shooter… had previously threatened a shooting at his high school last June, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said the then-17-year-old was brought in for a mental health evaluation afterward.


You’re entitled to your own opinion, obviously.

Kudos on being self aware.


FWIW, I found the whole manifesto. It is vile.


First 13 pages are more or less an intro, and a QA about why he did it, and who he is. Starts out bemoaning white birthrates and how more and more non-whites are entering Europe and America, leading to replacement and “white genocide”.

Important: people will cherry pick his quotes to frame him as this or that. He is intentionally framing himself as not adhering himself to main stream politics. While clearly the “left” is the enemy, he has some leftist economic views, if those systems were used to promote a stronger white nation. He considers himself both left and right wing; not a conservative; a socialist maybe; a racist; an anti-semite; not a Christian per se - but uses some of the trappings and “values”. He considers his act an act of terrorism. He considers himself a fascist. He says Brenton Harrison Tarrant started him on his journey into research on immigration and foreigners. He has problems with capitalism because the Jews basically control it.

TL;DR: He considers himself a green nationalist and populist. Or an "ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist"

Then the real tripe starts:
14-23 - Horrible diatribe, charts, and memes about how inferior black people are.

24-52 - It gets even worse with a horrible diatribe about Jews, complete with various classic conspiracies, complete with memes, charts, and horrible cartoons.

54-57 - Shorter notes on Arabs and Asians, whites, and fiat currency and crypto.

57 - 61 - Outline of his plan and gear.

61 - 81 - Talks about weapon and illegally modifying it, as well as other weapons not used but brought in the car and sort of a tangent on other options.

81 - 156 - Talks about armor and misc gear, it reads like someone comparing and contrasting options.

157 - 180 - Back into potification mode, where he has specific messages to other groups (leftists, conservatives, etc). He goes into calls of actions and rallying cries to don’t back down and run away from the enemy, etc. White supremacists rhetoric. Bemoans white birth rates some more.

Not crazy.
Planned this out - not an impulse.
Radicalized through the internet by doing own research.
Though not a member of any one specific group, he is echoing the views of various WP groups.
Idolizes white supremacists murders before him.
Hopes to become an inspiration for more attacks, because fighting is the only way to keep white culture alive.


Reposting that hared here, even with spoiler tags, helps nothing.

Silence and aversion are probably your best bets for today.