At least 10 dead in "racially motivated" Buffalo supermarket shooting

How did racism make you feel unsafe as a white person? Since you are instead, you know, a beneficiary of racism?

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I wouldn’t want to be tarred with the same brush as a racist coworker.


to make that clearer, fox news has fired carlson’s writers. carlson didn’t do the firing.

apparently, in the early days: carlson and his teams would send things to the fox fact checkers ( amazing that they have such a group at all ), and they were told repeatedly not to broadcast the fake news coming from those sites - so eventually, he and his team just stopped sending the stories in for review

he doesn’t give an f$#k. fox news only cares a very little, and less and less over time


Areas deeply impacted by inequality and racism never feel especially safe to me either.

I don’t know the best way to put it, but when people are in a pressure cooker I don’t think anyone is safe.


I know for me, although I’m white, hearing racist statements fall out of someone’s mouth is a huge red flag because it’s never “just” racism. The person in question may not attack me for the color of my skin, although they may certainly go after people in my family of choice, but you can be absolutely sure they’ll get around to me soon for other reasons. Hell, if nothing else, they’re going to attack me when I start calling them out on their statements.


That’s because by now, anyone who’s paying even the slightest bit of attention knows how it goes; first the bigots and fascists target and persecute those who are obviously different, POC, LGBTQA+, Jewish folks… and from then on, the persecution never stops.

Sooner or later, we will all find ourselves on that “undesirable” list… that’s how genocidal assholes work.


frow that article:

yeah, amazing. the dude googled the store and looked at “busiest times”. the media shouldn’t be reusing the q / white supremacists meaningless terms.

that said, i’m glad that headline exists. an npr report i heard this morning clipped what one of the neighbors was saying the moment he began to connect the attack to the historic economic conditions there, then switched to the governor talking about gun laws

it was the worst and most obvious moment of white washing ive heard from them in quite a while


I can see your point. Personally, I am one of those folks who deliberately and historically has inserted himself into neighborhoods of color, and from my experience it can take considerable time for folks to recognize anti-racist intentions.
Once white folks who don’t want to see change see what you’re doing, they’ll undermine you at every opportunity.


his taxes and his takes both need to be audited


Not wanting to speak for the poster, I will say that racists like the above murderer view anyone who is supportive of things like BLM, immigration, are partners with someone not white, or somehow supportive of some Jewish conspiracy are all considered race traitors and deserve to be killed.

So if the racism was that bad where they worked, I could see them not feeling safe.


There’s also this:
Tops is a good company, hell their workers are even unionized!


Oh, Alex has a much wider definition which also includes it actually being the person doing the thing for the stated reason but the government knowing about it in advance and letting it happen.

He’s also terrifyingly inconsistent and self-contradictory.


I’ve noticed an awful lot of right wing discussion around “gun laws don’t work” because this happened in a blue state with “the most restrictive gun laws”.

Like they clearly don’t know NYC is not NY State. You don’t need a license or to register a long gun in NY State and most counties there. You do for a handgun but in most counties a permit is ridiculously easy to get, a formality really. Concealed carry permits are easy to come by. There’s an assault weapons ban but the main impact there is restricting post ban magazine capacity. Firearms are widely available, you can grab an AR at big box stores anywhere outside of major cities. There’s no mandatory wait periods.

Buffalo’s laws aren’t much more restrictive than the State Laws.


There is a history of white people who do actively align with the Black freedom struggle suffering acts of violence. For example, Goodman and Schwerner were killed along with Chaney in the mississippi burning case. So it’s certainly true that white people can be targeted for not embracing their whiteness in the “correct” way for violent racists.


I know this isn’t exact, but it’s worth remembering, albeit in a dystopian sort of way, that Charles Manson was not convicted of murdering a single person, nor for attempted murder. He was convicted for his role in provoking Van Houten, Krenwinkle, and Atkins to do so. His role in “brainwashing” them was a major factor, as was his (at the risk of violating site norms) absolutely evil batshit craziness.

Tucker Carlson?


You’re not the only person who made that connection:


Ah well, not an original thought in my noggin. It came up in a discussion with someone IRL. I shoulda known.


4chan is upset for all the wrong reasons.





and though it could conceivably soon be illegal to travel to get an abortion… crossing to another state to get guns, or with guns, will probably always be fine.

federal leadership is the best (and slimmest ) hope for a real fix ( though state and local regulations do provably help )

i think ny and buffalo - in this particular case - would be better taking measurable anti-racist actions and starting a reparations process than focusing on guns