At Trump rally in DC, speaker tells people to make it a 'mass spreader event' by hugging stranger

I’m sorry :frowning:
Can you pressurize your place at all? Maybe have a fan in an outside window from another side of the building blowing into the condo, so you’re less likely to be pulling air in from the neighbors? Aside from wearing a mask, that’s what I would do.
Good luck. :heart:


When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands buttered side down. Therefore, if a slice of toast is strapped to a cat’s back, buttered side up, and the animal is then dropped, the two opposing forces will cause it to hover, spinning inches above the ground. If enough toast-laden felines were used, they could form the basis of a high-speed monorail system.

Not sure where the original is from, but this page has some very thoughtful responses as well:


How is that different from calling people in the midwest “flyover folks”?

Lived in both places. Found pockets I liked in both. Pick the people you spend time with based on their character, not their zip code.


I believe the term used upthread was

flyover filth

I don’t know how to read that any way other than an insult.


It’s a descriptor. People who live on the coast and expect the culture of the Midwest to be the same as it is on the coast will be sorely disappointed, that’s all I’m trying to say.


Yeah, good point. The only good use of the term “flyover filth” is if you’re jumping mud-puddles on your dirt bike (trust me…don’t every do that).

Another good point. Culture shock can be really crazy even within one’s own borders. Now I need to go watch “My Cousin Vinny” again…


It’s a lie.

The label should be ‘urban libs’ because people in thriving and even not-so-thriving metroplexes must learn to interact with different peoples. Urbanites usually have higher education levels, too, and are thus more liberally oriented.

Rural counties in coastal states are more likely [R] and often lack educational, medical, and social services. Urban centers in ‘flyover’ states are more likely [D] and pay higher taxes to provide services.

[rant] Higher taxes usually reflect greater prosperity. Tax-cutters aim for a more impoverished polity. Fuck-em. [/rant]


Simple. Count the bodies and divide by 1 to get the number of heads

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