At Trump rally in DC, speaker tells people to make it a 'mass spreader event' by hugging stranger

I am at my elderly mom’s condo. There is a wall common to the next door neighbors. Mom, dad and 5 yo son tested positive for COVID-19. I found out today when I knocked on their door to ask them something.

We have no common air-ducting system, but I smell their bacon when they cook it, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules are bigger than virus particles IIRC.

I can’t leave. My mom is in home-hospice. She can’t be moved. I’ve been basically living at her place to tend to her. This is very likely her last week on the planet in her current body.

So goes the way of all flesh.
I still have my mask on, for whatever good it’ll do me.


Oh, fuck.

Fingers crossed for you and yours.


Christ, I’m not seeing a single mask there. Things are going to get pretty fucking dire, covid-wise, in another four weeks or so… I mean, they already are, and were going to continue to be without any Trumper nonsense, but a bunch of MAGAts crowding together without masks, including some traveling long distances, is going to be a hell of a super-spreader event.


So are all the others these trumpers will pass the coronavirus onto. Jimbo Blockhead is gonna pick up the virus from the person he was standing next to for two hours, then visit his 70 year old mom this weekend and fix that leaky faucet for her and then eat that really good chicken dinner she fixed for everybody.


Right? Tarrio is from Florida. The only parts of the US you fly over Florida to get to-or-from is Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.


they’re only killing people, not spraying graffiti or breaking windows or damaging buildings.

yes, true… small acts of vandalism during protests for racial justice might cost only hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and the spread of covid costs (literally) trillions… but lets get our priorities straight here.


i counted a total of three or four masks. my particular favorite was the guy at the end of the clip who had a surgical mask, pulled down below his chin.

i suspect that’s something like going to a bar called “the library” so that when your family calls you can give an “honest” answer


He should be made to go to the back of the line for ventilators.

Amazing. Self owning, this is what it looks like.

What a bunch of absolutely diseased fucking morons


Not surprising. Just wait 'til tomorrow, when the QAnon congresscritters come slithering out to speak at the rally… not to mention the seditious fascists in Congress still trying to make their coup work.
I hope Joe realizes by now that these people can’t be reasoned with.
Gonna be a long two weeks 'til Inaguration Day, especially since Time Itself seems to be slowing…


Oh, that’s a terrible situation. I’m so sorry. My best wishes to you and your mom.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the plan.


Part of the “burn the country down in time for the Biden administration” strategy the Republicans have going?


Bodies are bigger than heads, so it would be easier to do a body count, right?

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“Monsters do exist – in us, and among us,”
George Romero told Rolling Stone in 1978 during the making of his zombie hit ‘Dawn of the Dead.’


I’m so feeling that too.


He’s like a president from the West Wing universe, and we’re living in a zombie movie


Yep. They can’t and really don’t want to govern and improve things, because the divisive, chaotic nature of things as they stand benefit them. If they can’t be in positions of power, they’ll fuck over the rest of us so we can’t fix things.


The dark cloud of Covid has had some silver linings. Many of us coastals are sick-and-tired of looking at house prices out in the midwest and comparing it to our rent or mortgage payments and thinking WTF? Now that many companies have adapted to working remotely, a lot of them are saying to themselves “Why are we paying so much for office space? Why not WFH in perpetuity?”. And if you’re working from home full time, why pay the premium to live near NYC, Boston, SF, Seattle, etc? I have a feeling there is going to be a migration of libs away from the coasts in the coming years.


That view isn’t much better actually. We’re not looking for upwardly mobile computer programmers from the coasts to save us.

EtA: and they’re in for a major culture shock regardless, even if they are surrounded by like minded people. The coastal libs who want and expect everything to be the same as it is on the coasts will be sorely disappointed and will move back within the year. We have our own culture out here.