ATM machines, PIN numbers, and other redundant acronyms has High Street Road.

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We may have just invented a new game:

Street Road

Avenue Road

Avenue Street

Crescent Road

Place Road

Road Avenue

Parkway Avenue

Crescent Parkway

Reserve Park

Park Reserve

The surprising thing is not that they exist, but that for most of these Openstreetmap was offering many such locations.

By the way, my favourite supervillain is Lady Redundant Woman.


Has anyone met Guy Chapman?



Mornington crescent!
… no, wait…
Never mind.


Not acronyms - abbreviations. Acronyms are abbreviations that are pronounceable words, like “RADAR” or “LASER.”

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But if you read the letters out, it’s an initialism

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The City of Los Angeles also has the distinction of being possibly the most abbreviated place name on Earth since the original full name of the city was “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río Porciúncula” and is now most commonly referred to as “L.A.”


Locally, we have a Lane Avenue.

Named after a local family who are fairly influential (and wealthy), who are now rather large in the local aviation business.

Ironically, Lane Ave is no where near the (current) airport…

(I used to live on a paved path for vehicles that had a name but was not designated as a road, avenue, street, parkway, or any other similar designation. It was just a chunk of pavement about 400 feet long. More of a driveway than anything else. It is amazing how many people would refuse to believe me that it was just “name”. Even if I look at it on the map now, it still does not have any street type designator.)

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