Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at request of Donald Trump, forced out less than 24 hours after midterm elections

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Not me. There’s a difference between dormant and patient; Mueller’s already shown he isn’t the former.

And only one of these players knows you don’t play an ace if a two will do.

Right now, I’m watching Trump spill his hand and sweat like crazy, and it hasn’t even gotten good yet.


“Donald Trump may think he has the power to hire and fire whomever he pleases, but he cannot take such action if it is determined that it is for the purposes of subverting the rule of law and obstructing justice,” Nadler said in a statement. “If he abuses his office in such a fashion, then there will be consequences.”

Like what, you threaten to impeach him?


In an interesting thought experiment, Trump finds a way, or a stooge, to fire Mueller. The house then hires him as outside counsel to do exactly the same job. Trump cannot touch him at that point. Want to see some fireworks?


I agree with your assessment; Mueller is no fool, and has likely been prepared for any maneuver that 45 & Crew can come up with from the start.

No matter who else gets fired, no one can make state charges just disappear… and let’s not forget that the IRS has their sights set on the stale orange cracker as well now.


It was almost a given from the start that Trump would never be held legally accountable for his actions; it’s not even 100% clear if it’s possible for a sitting President to be charged with a crime. The great hope is that Mueller will find something compelling enough to hold him politically accountable for his actions. Even impeachment is a political process, not a legal one.

I sure wouldn’t mind seeing a few more of Trump’s cabinet, campaign staff and family members get fitted with some nice shiny new bracelets though.


I saw it without MSTing and still enjoyed it, but it is true that I’d seen the MST3k version so many times that I could hear most of the jokes in my head anyway.


Presuming that we survive this nightmare clusterfuck of an administration, that must be rectified, along with all sorts of other oversights which were never codified into actual laws.


Yup. Everyone was waiting for Sessions to be fired. It was not in the cards for him to be AG for long.

But we needed to flip the House more than anything else in order to make that have meaning. Last night, we did that (well, others did; we are still stuck with Young).

Yup. But even at the Federal level, Mueller has proven pretty competent at nullifying the Presidential Pardon. I admire that.

It’s interesting that none of this would even be an issue (or be happening) if Trump were in fact, without guilt—or even merely believed he was without guilt.

But fascists cannot govern &c., so he’s thrashing like a fish on a hook. Somebody is very tense one day after the midterms.


Mueller is also not the type to be rattled and make mistakes.


The same cannot be said of his adversary, though.


Oh my. Very tense indeed.


Oh, I don’t know about THAT. Now, someone who hasn’t recused themselves from being involved with official dealings involving investigations into Russia, who maaaaaybe just happens to actually be very tied to Russia? I think that’s very likely.


Oh, I think it might set in motion a series of chaotic events, which could turn out to be better than the status quo.

It’s totally clear that they can be, if you’re even slightly reasonable. Show me exactly where it says in the US Constitution that it’s not allowed. I’m really curious. Oh wait – it’s not there! It’s not even implied.

You are telling me that if Trump shot a little kid on live television, and then ate the body, the ONLY remediation would be an impeachment trial? But he could just sit around and eat as many kids as he wanted in the meantime? It’s ludicrous.

The reason why impeachment was outlined in The Constitution is because it was provided as a mechanism ABOVE AND BEYOND THE REST OF THE LAW to get a President out of office. It doesn’t say anywhere that it’s the exclusive means of enforcing law on the President. In fact if you believe this, what you are saying is that the US Constitution enshrined into law the notion that the President is, in fact, above the law. Which is nuts, and is not the intent of the document.


Man, I so want to see him give himself a stroke or some sort of debilitating conniption before it’s all said and done.


I think there is some technical distinction where it’s easier for Trump to replace him with an acting AG if he “resigns” than if he’s “fired,” but given the R gains in the Senate I’m sure the Elf knows resisting is not worth the effort


OK, let’s think this through. Say that someone had enough evidence that Trump committed a sexual assault or tax crime back in NYC that police would normally bring him in for an interview and possible arrest.

What do you think would happen if a couple of uniformed cops showed up at the White House with the intent of taking him out in handcuffs? You think the Secret Service is just going to say “well this warrant looks in order, he’s all yours?”

In practice the law can’t touch Trump (or any other President) without the political will to hold him accountable.


but if they did that would be SO AWESOME :rofl:


“The Law” in this case happens to be the primary power enforcement mechanism of the power elite. If the right folks want to allow The Law to walk Donald Trump off in handcuffs, then yes, I believe it will happen.

There are some ifs int he above scenario, but I think it’s more realistic than a notion that “The Law” is anything other than what’s convenient for the power elite at any given moment.

And btw, it wouldn’t be a few officers in blue – it would be Mueller and top staff of the FBI, most likely. No, I don’t see the Secret Service getting into a shootout with the FBI to prevent Donald Trump from being arrested.