Author of 'Fire and Fury' says Trump "has less credibility than, perhaps, anyone who has ever walked on earth"

Unless you’re a semi-literate billionaire your definition of “great” is probably a lot more modest than other peoples’.


Maybe he means another kind of gains?




Good point, although if she’s emulating Il Douche’s eating habits it’s not muscle that’s being gained.


My overall thoughts on this book are

  1. it’s not going to make a huge difference; aside from (questionable) details it doesn’t paint a picture that hasn’t already been rendered in exhausting detail elsewhere; but

  2. it’s getting airplay in places like network morning shows, which puts it in front of an audience who might, up to now, have failed to appreciate how deep and universal the contempt for Turmp is among the attention-paying crowd; and

  3. it has nothing to do with policy – it’s not trying to persuade anyone of Turmp’s (and their own) repulsive wickedness – it’s about what kind of a person he is, according to those best positioned to say.

Deplorables aren’t ever going to un-nail their colors to the mast, and their support for Evil is a deeper problem than their support for Turmp personally. But they might start to lose their will to pretend he’s a personally impressive figure. Yes, you can dismiss every one of his critics, but the jury can’t be out forever; at some point, you need to hear credible evidence that Turmp is as great as he claims, and it’s becoming increasingly obvious that that’s never going to happen.


You’re allowed to set the bar a little higher than janmarsh’s attention level.

Seriously, the predations of the kleptocrats are part and parcel with the sexism and bigotry – they emerge from the same crappy attitude of entitlement. You might as well complain that the tax case against Al Capone was a waste of government resources. Whatever gets Il Douche out of office early will help mitigate the other damage.


No doubt. He’s lucky the office calls for wearing body-hiding suits most of the time.


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What good is “owning” the US going to do them if we secede? Consent to be governed is a bitch!

Thank goodness there are wonderful sites like


To help our feeble one track minds cope with all the batshit insanity going on right now.


It really doesn’t seem to. While the actual parents immediate family may feel that way, the broader sphere of friends and family react angrily to any suggestion that “their deaths were in vain.” And they actively promote the narrative that “It was worth the sacrifice,” to the close family. So in the working class communities that provide a large part of military manpower, any suggestion that a war wasn’t a glorious example of keeping us free is regarded as shitting on the graves of our heroes. People aim their anger towards anybody who questions the nobility of their sacrifice, rather than against those who made the decision to sacrifice those who died in war.


In their heyday, Scientology would send people to libraries to disappear copies of critical books. It may take the Trump cult a while to think of that.


I think they are dealing with it by closing the libraries. The Republican business owners don’t want their slaves servants employees contractors being literate and getting odd ideas about having rights.

Besides, the only book worth reading is the Bible, but not that bit that sounds socialist. Or that other bit. That nice Alex DeLarge has the right idea.


My goodness, I went there, just to see and I thought at first it was just a parody, or something? But those people…they’re crazy. Like full on, alternate universe bonkers.

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Yeah, it’s really a weapons grade circle-jerk echo chamber.

Sarah articulates my concerns better than I was able to:


Yeah, that’s what scares me.

Maybe there’s something in The Prince on this tactic? The Art of War, perhaps?


Don’t think political strategy. This is more of a Kansas City Shuffle. Painting it as political is part of the misdirection. There is a reason that the best (as in most accurate) reads on this admin have come from people more steeped in the criminal justice system or people familiar with politics so steeped in corruption that it isn’t even covered up anymore (Dale and Kendzior).

Once you realise how much of this is part of a con (whether a short or long one is hard to say at this point), a lot of what is happening makes more sense. The only question at this point is whether they screw up the blow.


And maybe just what the blow would be?