Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/25/bad-food-low-spirits-plague-mar-a-lagos-declining-membership.html
They didn’t just realize that golf kind of sucks?
If they don’t care about politics then why did they stay around as long as they did? Is membership somehow more politicized now than it was when Trump was President?
My guess is that now that Orange Julius has returned the food quality had to be downgraded to include more McNuggets
I wonder if Biden sent him the Diet Coke button after prying it off the Resolute desk.
I am imagining the plot of ‘Aniara’, only played out in a golf resort.
Golf is a high-quality game. The people who play it, often not.
Most golf courses would be better off as a nice easy bike path with bocce ball near the club house, maybe some Tai chi classes too. Instead of competing on scores, you can promote mental well-being and relaxation. And of course someone is going to get in an argument over who is more Zen.
Obviously never will happen. Completely the wrong clientele for that.
So… wait a second, you mean when having a membership was no longer a good way to curry favor with a mercurial and tumultuous governmental executive who often funneled government funds to people who supported him… people dropped their memberships?
Huh. Who would have thought???
I’m sure it’s kept just as nice as his other properties:
This surprises me to some extent. It was a couple of months ago he was issuing campaign statements from behind the Presidential seal in one of the larger ballrooms or something.
It seemed to me that the entire unmasked membership turned out to kiss his slimy diapered ass.
Wha’ happened? Why now? Those guys waited 'til now to resign?
Served room temperature with warm ketchup, no doubt. Bon appétit!
Club membership is often front end loaded. Pay a $200k initiation fee then $40k/year dues. “Walking out” doesn’t hurt the club as much as you’d hope.
Well, I’d hope every person quitting feels like Arnold kicked each member of the Trump family in the nuts as hard as he could at his peak physical condition?
That said if you think losing $40k a year is not felt by these losers incabable of not running their businesses in the red? You should call Deutsche Bank and ask for a free $40k.
Yes, but the classiest, really the most elegant McNuggets, believe me.
Whatever one’s opinion of golf, it’s a dying sport and a side dish in late-stage capitalism’s destruction of the middle class. COVID isn’t improving that situation, but private course owners were already worried about declining membership. The association with a certain type of wealthy older arsehole didn’t help.
Add several zeroes and that’s what Mar-a-Lago’s owner effectively did for years.
Biden could trade it for all the items stolen from the WH.
If I were in possession of such a membership, I would give/transfer it to a MAGAt as it would be more useful to them. If that is unacceptable to Mar-A-Lago management, I would offer to sell it back to them for a full refund.
The Trump administration’s impact on Americans encapsulized in one gif: