Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 6 - Synergy

-b6| Hull Repairs x 6 (+12 HP)
-b10| Mission 3 Data Miners

While I’m working out the mission lockin, my Aunt sent me a photo of my cousin Agamemnon Charegiselus Cassius Memcache al-Khwārizmī, who recently got a job as a bodyguard for a tiny humanoid on Bedroomicus IV

there’s hover-text, btw


I hear you pardner, but it feels like the ol’ Dabohaze has been doing all this flying and can’t quite make it out of hock. We’re up b87 right now but with a lot of damage and few upgrades, as we’ve picked up a lot of damage while trying to get out of debt. It’d be nice to get ahead at some point.


Oh…wait, they cost b400 and up.

Have you ever considered piracy? There’s a few flush captains around. How about extortion?


How well defended, electronically, is the bank’s funds?

I don’t see much encryption going on with their transfers. Indeed, the majority of their communications seem to be in plaintext…

However, those sorts of shenanigans are probably best saved for Unizone.

Hello? Unizone? What are your protocols?

Yeah, piracy didn’t work out so well at our last job.


Mission Orders @patrace :
-b10 | (repay @Old)
-b37 | repay to Falkyn Community Fund {{{= net amount of -b60 | (repay Falkyn Community Fund in full +b0.6 contribution and my greatest appreciation because that Billi really saved my ship @davide405 @daneel) +b23 new loan}}}
-b23 | Hull repair (+46HP)
-b10 | Mission 3 - Data Miners

Total order -b80

I’ll take a coaster this week and go for the easy mission - but there is something making me uneasy at what seems like very simple money…and there is that talk of battleships…

You’re off probation at Ella’s.

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Isn’t b87 enough to repair the Dabohaze to full (55HP -> b28) and take mission 2?

Ah, are you looking to do the full upgrade thing?

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That had been the plan, but… 55HP/2 = b28, adding Mission 2 is b50, so that’s b78 to get full HP. Beard calculated it as b2 for 1HP, which is where the issue seems to be…

That said, hey bank (@davide405)! Can I borrow b60 and get 3 Machines That Go Bing so I can come back from Mission 2 alive to pay you back b66?

I think I liked Waiting in Cars more, there was less math…


Waiting in Cars
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It’s not a Steve Jackson game
In cars

Here in my car
I can only wait
I can check all the threads
It keeps me refreshing for days
In cars

Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you update it please
If I offer to pay
In cars

Waiting in Cars
I know I’ve started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right
In cars


Waiting for Cars

(giving up again). Nothing to be done.

(advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide apart). I’m beginning to come round to that opinion. All my life I’ve tried to put it from me, saying daneel, be reasonable, you haven’t yet tried everything. And I resumed the struggle. (He broods, musing on the struggle. Turning to SteampunkBanana.) So there you are again.

Am I?

I’m glad to see you back. I thought you were gone forever.


Is that a “NO”, then?

Five Internet Points if you can name the players.


I noticed. But when I offered to trade this fine Unizone Mug for a Machine That Goes Bing, she threatened to ban me again.


You’ve put more money into the bank than I have. You should have more say than me. :smile:

I’m just this guy, y’know?

All I’d say is that it’s a risky mission in terms of pass/fail, so it might not be a good use of community funds.


The bank is solvent and it looks like there’s only three requests in right now, though, so…?


Oh, I wasn’t really asking you. :smiley:

I’ll clarify that a little up there…