Badass Space Dragon - Duck's Pond

While not formally financed by the Community Bank, @messana Lazlo ‘Scuttle’ Deepwalker has loaned b145.7 to other Captains so they can fly Mission 2 in the Starfox Formation.

Beard, @SteampunkBanana b45.7
Quirky, @DreamboatSkanky b50.0
Galaxy, @Donald_Petersen b50

Additionally, @davide405 Natasha Fatale made the following loan:

@gwwar b40.6

Since those loans were arranged by board members and are destined for Ella, again, the Community Bank courier service will ensure the money gets to Ella bypassing Unizone.

Lastly, @old Zaphod Tiberius Skywalker made two loans

-b5 Loan to @monkeyoh
-b45 Loan to @OtherMichael

Those were arranged privately, be we are deeply grateful. Therefore,we will also see that the money gets to Ella, and moreover, we would like to invite @old to join the community bank. @patrace

Self-interested Co-operation is the Basis of All Success


[Overcome by intense emotion, Lazlo attacks Sssir Galaxy.]

[But it soon becomes clear that a sanctioned form lizard-to-lobster limb manipulation is taking place. Traditionally, this particular pattern is used to indicate a strong formal bond between two peers. The unnerving vocalizations serve to underscore particularly intense claw flourishes.]

“~`!~. ``'~^!”

" < Spazio compagno! > "



I had a unizone inspired change of heart and am not running an ella mission, but I thank you for your support and will be sure to repay and contribute in kind.

I really did not want to spend all that time ‘entertaining’ and the resultant funny walk I would acquire post acceptance of the short term love contracts found on the docks.


Sitting in a corner, Milton “Mackey” MacMichael opens his PDA

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Supplemental Downloadable Content  #thx.1138: 

                               ~Rule 34 Bucket List~
                                                                        page 137/606

[ x ] Human and Asari
[   ] Lobster and Space Lizard
[ x ] Wookie and Ewok
[ x ] Wookie and Ewok and Ewok
[ x ] Mawg and Android
[ x ] Kirk and Spock
[ x ] Meese Orgy
[ x ] ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Ahoy! Another page completed!!

Another round, Duck.


Well, whatever happens, I’ve burnt my bridges with Unizone. Done with that. I’m not a model employee at the best of times, and Unizone aren’t making any best employer lists. I’m not one to let my sense of morals prevent me from doing what is right - but if they aren’t paying, I ain’t working. Better to be an independent contractor, even if the retirement benefits suck.

Looks like our next time out may be a little sticky. The Moral Flexibility isn’t in the greatest of shape and a little down on firepower (and shields, and engineering…), but we might be okay. That said - I suspect we won’t all be back here tomorrow. C’est la vie. If I don’t see you in this world again, I’ll catch you in the next.

*finishes drink*

Time to be off. What were those directions Ella gave me?

Ah yes, second star to the right, and straight on till morning.


Quirky nods, soaking in the Strat-o-Sphere 400.

Scutes of the Clutch-Mother! he thinks. But don’t that beat laying out a flight plan with bottle caps and salt–and-pepper shakers on a sticky countertop. You’re flying in a new league, now, Quirky, my man.

Quirky looks squarely at Laszlo (@messana). “You got nothing to worry about from The Somewhat, Commodore. We got your sssix.”

Quirky hisses to his fellow space lizard, Ssssir Galaxy (@Donald_Petersen), “Psst! Do space lobsters reference a twelve hour analog clock? Or did I just tell Laszlo roughly, ‘My brother is a sock’? 'Cuz I’ve done that before.”

“And as a token of appreciation, drop this little number into your flight bag (as you say, ‘If you know what I’m sayin’…)”

Quirky rolls a Mark V Personal Massage Grenade™ across the booth to Commodore Laszlo. “They can’t say it because of the Office of Medicine and Fishing regs, but yeah, these are good to a depth of 70 feet. Cheers.”

A quick look about to see that everybody’s drinking who should be.

“Ssssss! Thhhh!”


Lazlo, er, am I talking to your face? Lobsters get confusing. Anyway, don’t you worry about anything, this is going to be a few asteroids here and there and we’ll be just fine. As long as we’re actually just delivering what we’ve been told in these boxes and not, say, detonators packed by Unizone in a fine attempt to destroy anyone trying to get out of the system.

Not that they would think of that.

At any rate, there’s plenty of honor among these thieves, don’t you worry about that.


…wonders to self how many drinks it takes for Captain to not tell which moose end is face…


Meeses have antlers to help me figure it out. Lobsters get… pointy pretty much everywhere.


And beards are likewise bearded at one end.


I have no desire to confirm that.

1 Like

Dear Madame Bank Manager Natasha @davide405,


Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I got your contact from the Charybdian web site directory. I prayed over it and selected your name among other names due to it’s esteeming nature and the recommendations given to me as a reputable and trust worthy person I can do business with and by the recommendations I must not hesitate to confide in you for this simple and sincere business.

I am Flapjack Kate; the only Daughter of late Mr Flapjack Bill. My father was a very wealthy malted goods merchant in Messina, the economic capital of Charybdis before he was murdered to death by his business associates on one of their outing to discus on a business deal. When my mother died, my father took me and my younger brother TARQUIN special because we are motherless. Before the death of my father on a private asteroid orbiting Messina. He secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a sum of b12500000 (Twelve Million, five hundred thousand StarBits) left in a suspense account in a local Bank here in Messina, that he used my name as his first Daughter for the next of kin in deposit of the fund.

He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth and some huge amount of money his business associates supposed to balance his from the deal they had that he was poisoned by his business associates, that I should seek for a Lobster fearing foreign partner on a planet of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose, (such as real estate management). Madame Bank Manager Natasha, we are honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.

  1. To provide a Bank account where this money would be transferred to.

  2. To serve as the guardian of this since I am a girl of 26 years.

Moreover Madame, we are willing to offer you 15% of the sum as compensation for effort input after the successful transfer of this fund to your designate account overseas. please feel free to contact ,me via this address

Anticipating to hear from you soon.

Best regards.
Flapjack Kate (Miss)



Hey Duck,

Let me know when that robot guitarist comes around again. I’ve got some questions for him about resonances, and cybernetics, and both.

1 Like

Legit. I made a bunchload of starbits in a similar transaction myself. Messina is a hotbed of wealthy dead people whose heirs need assistance in wealth transfer. Go for it!

(@daneel yeah, yeah? just a couple of starbits for my trouble?)


RED ALERT! We all just came back from our missions. Well, maybe not all of us did…

Dearest Miss Kate,

Community Bank operated very transparently and with open books, so even though your situation tugs at our heartstrings, we can not help you with funds transfer.

However, our business associate, esteemed Don Mondo ( @patrace ) may be interested in your offer.

Feel free to contact him at

Best Regards,

Natasha Fatale
Cpt. Audacious Blip


[The bee-man appears dazed. His ship is melted in spots, but hanging together well. Debts are paid, and there star-bits in his account. But things are moving fast. Revolutions by night are never painless, they’re usually cross-eyed with their facts cutting a whole in us all. He clears his throat. He realizes may have been muttering aloud.]

So many Captains lost, so many crews returned to dust and smoke.

In whose memory I’ll forego a smoke of my own – Barkeep, friend! Set me up with a glass of your finest Talaxian Space-Gin, if you please!

Fellow Captains: Raise your drinks on high, and seal your fate forever, Our best years have past us by: the golden age of space-Captains.

[he starts singing here, somewhat tunelessly - more of a droning buzz that goes high into the ears past where you think couldn’t hear anymore, and down deep into the belly and bones, gut and carapace, gently ratting the coins in your pocket, the pincers on your claws, the antlers on your head, the chitin on your back; but not unpleasantly so.]

So grab your rose and ring side seat
We’re back home at Ducky’s bar
The blond lizard with her tattoo
Reds and wine, honeymeades of course

Oh my Nillah, my Nillah
Why did we ever start
It’s morning now, you’d never know
The gin, the gin, glows in the dark, glows in the dark

And underneath, the black light
Underneath it all
Four and forty red-lobs meet
Come to doom 'til the dawn

With threats of antimatter and rose motif
Their claws apart like a swollen rose
Their antennae extend and then retract
A redcap, a redcap, before the kiss, before the kiss

Doors like flint and window panes
An endless inflatable bar
The Unizone lobs have gone to work
To stop big deals behind the bar

While outside on the space-pike
They got this new hit tune
Where thrills become as cheap as antimatter
And antimatter as cheap as thrills

One thrill and mundane here at last
Expect the cross one more
Lecherous invisible
Beware the limping lizard

Whose black teeth grip between loose jaws
Still ripe and fully bloomed
A rose that’s not from anywhere
That you would know or I would care

And the Unizone drones act most cheerfully
Back home at Ducky’s bar
When their patrons’ thoughts at last
Grow too big for their skulls

And awful things are happening
We’ve let this drama fold
And now the time has come at last
To crush the motif of the rose

So grab your rose and ring side seat
We’re back home at Ducky’s bar
The blond lizard with her tattoo
Reds and wine, honeymeades of course

Oh my Nillah, my Nillah
Why did we ever start
It’s morning now, you’d never know
The gin, the gin, glows in the dark, glows in the dark

[The bee-of-space is silent for some time. Which many are grateful for. Then he speaks again.]

I’m going to go sober up. Can’t hold gin worth a damn. Never could, and certainly not now. When I return, I’ll tell you what it’s like trying to pass for human in this damn insect-hating galaxy. And about the ships we lost. And why we fight each other as though we’re covered with the stink of different queens. We need to Kill the Masters.



[The bee takes one more drink of his gin which is, unlike everybody elses, glowing. Wipes his face with what looks like a red cloth with a yellow-hive motif, then passes out on the floor with a sound more like jello dumped from the top of a building. Golden drool drools from his mouth, pooling into a small pool of drool, and attracting a single space-fly. After a quick sampling with his tiny Gieger-counter, it hurriedly buzzes off. In another minute a waxy but well-buffed drone hovers in and loads him on the float-plate, and buzzes back out the door.]

Duck calls at the back of the retreating drone: THERE’S NO CREDIT. YOU’LL PAY UP OR STAY OUT.


“You…you wrote a love poème to a cartoon gorilla?”


Thanks for the heads up.

Procedural note: if you “@” someone in a quote, they are not “@ed”.