shouldn’t this be something like “Comte Gris”?
Red Rose is in most American grocery stores.
Assam is the King of Teas.
You’d have to take it up with them then.
Yorkshire is my brew of choice but I admit I’ve never tried Barry’s. I might have to hunt some down and give it a go.
(Shit name though)
Yum! Though I prefer Jaffa Cakes to Jammy Dodgers (though I’m down with those too), I’m not sure if this is heresy in these parts.
Now. That slogan is the tagline of an old series of commercials in Canada.
You’re not telling me… you DUNK jaffa cakes? O_o
Well, no. I usually eat them before the tea is ready
Ok then! Jammy dodger or bourbon cream for dunking!
On the other hand, lapsang souchong is what you make to get rid of unwanted guests. Always keep some around, just in case.
This might not work if the visitor has no sense of smell
LOL. Mostly likely dunking material is poor quality shortbreads. My Grandma is on a fixed income.
Yes BBS, I know we’re replying to each other a lot, but everyone needs to know what biccys are good for dunking in tea! Its relevant to the thread!! Sheesh!
The walmart near me has proper UK bourbon creams for $2.77! In Canada! I stocked up!
It’s my dad’s favourite tea
Rooibos is also good for that sort of thing.
I think I’m going to have to go downtown this week to the UK store for some Jaffa Cakes. And then plot a way to hide at least one from my children.
Tea and biscuits! It’s a fine Canadian/UK tradition. You can’t enjoy your tea, be it Barry’s, Lyons, Tetley, or Red Rose with out them!
HOW much?! They’re, like, 40p a packet. Pretty much the cheapest biscuit there is.
It’s in Canadian dollars, in Canada, they are imported. You do no want to know how much those Jaffa Cakes are going to cost me. (Though I will likely pick up some crisps and black currant candies too; and those will cost dearly as well.) It’s the colonies!
Murchie's Murchie's Murchie's!
Dude… you do not want to know how much we pay for a Curly Wurly or a Flake… its outrageous!
I think I paid like $8 for a pack of Club bars. Stupid ocean!