Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/14/bars-fill-up-with-thirsty-patr.html
Good. because I know exactly who every one of them voted for.
As a resident of the otherwise fine state of Wisconsin, this makes me want to cry. The divide between liberals and conservatives is really quite striking here. And very disheartening.
The people they come in contact with, who did all of them vote for?
The problem with that, is that they are not just putting themselves at risk, they are putting innocent people’s lives at risk.
COVID-19 - the cure for stupid. Unfortunately it comes with a lot of collateral damage.
As we say in KY; they are eat up with the dumbass
I’m torn. On one hand, I think States’ Rights is bullshit – the Senate has way too much power, and the Electoral College is just a concession to slave owning states, and I partially blame both for why we can’t have nice things like national healthcare.
But in the case of Covid-19, States’ Rights have piqued my scientific interest. It’s like we’ve drawn up a grid with 50 squares and in each square we’re going to treat the virus with a continuum of differing policies from strict to extremely lax.
Then we’re going don our labcoats, sit back, bag of popcorn firmly in hand, and watch what happens next! #YeahScience
The Corona advertising in the background is a nice touch.
Yeah there is a camera man or producer that is super happy about that shot.
Yeah, what if all the furloughed marketing professionals and graphic designers end up having to fill the gaps left by the forklift operators and road crews? I am not built for manual labor.
The robots are coming.
Operating a forklift is actually really fun! Operating it safely is another matter…
Having a lockdown in some states but not others is kind of like having a peeing section in the pool.
Just wait until there is an actual Vaccine available.
Half of them won’t take it.
Waiting to hear from all the “moderate” conservatives who have been arguing that a lockdown isn’t necessary because people and business will take precautions without being ordered to do so.