Be heard! Take Trump's 'Mainstream Media Accountability' survey

Once I got to the bottom of this it occurred to me that this is why they’re launching his 2020 campaign already. He can’t accept “gifts” now that he’s elected, but money can keep pouring into this campaign committee and he can use it to do things that will not be tolerated on the public dole. In one Q&A I used the “other” option to say that his campaign victory taught me not to trust polls so why is he asking about them and doing this?


Given the education level of Trump’s supporters, I think they’ll get the opposite of the response they wanted to some questions just because of how they phrased the question.

Do you believe that the mainstream media does not do their due diligence fact-checking before publishing stories on the Trump administration?

“Do you believe that X does not do” is a great way to start a question.

Most of the time, major news sources check facts before publishing stories. Do you think the mainstream media has done this fairly before publishing stories on the Trump administration?

I even appeared to go against the inherent bias by saying that they are usually good about it, while still biasing the question towards people saying the media is unfair.

Do you believe that contrary to what the media says, raising taxes does not create jobs?

That’s another bad one. It looks straight forward, but it reads in a very convoluted way, you are asking them to confirm a negative with a “contrary” to clause. Should be:

The mainstream media has reported that raising taxes creates jobs.* Do you believe that raising taxes creates or destroys jobs?

Then with answers like, “Creates Jobs” and “Destroys jobs” you make sure people know what they are answering.

But in the bigger picture, the goal is clearly to create a fundraising list, not to gather any actual data, so there should have only been three questions, tops.


I put my name as “A Citizen” and email address as "" and gave a made up zip code that does geolocate somewhat to the region and marks me as “One of those liberal strongholds in a good red state”

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While I would never condone anyone knowingly breaking title 18 of US code, is a perfectly cromulent end to an email address.

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Agreed–I think that’s pretty clear from the outset, given the questions I’ve seen.

True, but you’ll notice that the majority of folks mentioning they’ve taken the survey have also said they used fake or questionably valid email addresses (that is, the address might be valid, but it’s not an address in use by that particular person). And…

…whoever the poor schlub is that uses the email address, “” (or some variation on the theme) is likely a person entirely unconcerned about what trump and his cronies might do with that address.

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