"Because we're not morons:" This bumper sticker announces you're voting for "the Democrat"

When my sister told me that Hillary was totally responsible for Benghazi, well, that’s when I knew that she’d buried herself in Fox News. She’s conservative, but not actively stupid. She voted for Obama.


Nope. The was Gerrymandering.


My dad is still jabbering on about Obama. Obama hasn’t been president in over two years.

I’m not sure why people get their news from that crap merchant that obviously has no respect for its viewers. It advertises cash for gold and reverse mortgages and cloying pious religious and nationalistic bullshit. Not only do its stories not hold up to any kind of intellectual scrutiny whatsoever, it treats its viewers like they’re stupid. My parents are reasonably intelligent people who read books and taught me to think critically about things. It’s really sad what Fux News has turned them into.


Are you saying Trump voters would have voted for Hillary if only she hadn’t made the “deplorables” comment? Somehow I doubt it.


You are not going to win a voter back by calling them a moron.

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It doesn’t actually hurt. They are already morons and will vote moronically. They ain’t coming back.to not being a moron.


Then you have to appeal to their moronic opinions, to win them back.

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Win them back?? They are already morons. They were never at any point to win back from. You need a new approach.


Whats the new approach?

Got me there. I dunno. Yous simply are not ever going to reach everyone. Ya kinda try and go for the best you can get. Doesn’t always work. I think that the world is in Alvin Toffler’s ‘Future Shock’ and that that is why it is going nuts.

A decent documentary on that very subject:

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That number is somewhat below the FEC’s count:


To quote an old post:


Read what I said. Whether or not it happened under the obama admin, the mainstream democratic party now knows about these abuses, and the Democrats aren’t happy about it.

At this point you’re just trying to setup a false equivalence.

I’m not happy about it. I didn’t approve of many things the obama admin did already. Extra judicial assassinations. Drone strikes in yemen. Keystone xl. List goes on.

We know it happened. Let’s not let that get in the way of the fact that ONLY THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO PUT A STOP TO IT. The republicans are 100% completely fine with caging kids. Or if some aren’t I’ve yet to hear from them.

What’s more important? Making sure the dems aren’t great or perfect, or a chance at actually putting a stop to concentration camps? Because the republican party has a zero chance of that.


The Democrats are unhappy that it has now become so blatantly bad that they can no longer comfortably ignore it.

Every time the Dems try to paint this situation as a purely Republican evil, every immigration activist in the country is justifiably fucking furious.

Clinton militarised the border. Obama deported more people than any President before or since. Trump is the symptom, not the disease.

If we don’t focus on the underlying causes, the problems will never be solved.

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Only one side is willing to even take a step towards the solution. Saying “both sides are equally bad” doesn’t really make any progress.

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Which is why I never say that.

Dems are bad. GOP is worse. Both are unacceptably foul.

This isn’t a complicated concept.


You’re not going to win them (‘back’ doesn’t even come into the equation) period because the only way to appeal to them would be to sacrifice absolutely everything I care about. Their thinking, morals and values are diametrically opposite mine and there’s not a lot I can do about it since a consequence of that is their being immune to logic, compassion or reason. They will not respond to evidence, appeals to their humanity, shaming, or anything else I can think of. They run off of fear, superstition and conspiracy theories. Maybe there’s indeed some way to manipulate that, but playing nice with them isn’t going to accomplish anything. They are scorpions.

I remember hearing a lot of this sort of talk back when the election was first lost- oh, those poor oafish Trump voters, they’re good folks deep down who just got bamboozled by his talk about coal jobs and making America great. No. They weren’t fooled by Trump- nobody is stupid enough to be fooled by Trump. He ran on an open campaign of racism and sexism, and they hated those damn women and brown people so much that they didn’t care about anything else- and as far as I can tell, still don’t, even now.

About the most I can agree is that Clinton’s statement didn’t win over any Republican voters. But considering their opinion of her was formed mostly from Fox News and Alex Jones rather than anything approaching reality, I’m hard-pressed to think of anything that would have. Calling them “deplorables” was honest, if not constructive.


handed to her with a popular majority of around 3 million votes. i fully admit i am a bit irate.