Behold! The Pizza cake!

This is a perfect example of how love conquers all.

Never seen Blade Runner, what a treat she’s in for when she finally does.

Yeah, she was in the corner knitting while I watched “Breaking Bad” until about the 5th episode when she said “Don’t you want to watch another one tonight?” After that we were both on the couch (she still knit, though, like a shark can’t stop swimming. A sweet shark. Not one that’s violent when accidentally insulted. Not that kind at all).

And she adored Game of Thrones (the two seasons we’ve seen NO SPOILERS PLEASE) although she did think, right up until the axe fell that Ned would somehow make it through and kill off that little twit. And we powered through True Detective last week, all the more suprising since the week also included 3 days of visiting the local fair.

Not a SF fan, however.

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I’d argue that Blade Runner is more noir than Sci-Fi. Just because the cars fly doesn’t change the motif. :smile:

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She likes Noire; I’ll try to pitch it that way.

Back on track - she also loves the idea of the Pizza Cake.

See if she’ll buy into the Wham Towers 3-Hour Special pizza. Then move onto arancini. Now there’s a dinner for folks with no plans for the day…

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